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How To Deal With A Passive Aggressive Coworker Constructively

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A passive aggressive coworker is a major drain on your team’s productivity and mood.

Their poor attitude and behavior can create a toxic work environment you dread entering every day. And their negative, snarky comments lower morale, poison the office well, and leave everyone on edge, stressed, and more prone to burnout.

So how do you deal with a passive aggressive coworker constructively? 

Do you ignore it and hope their behavior stops?

In this case, not saying anything may actually come off as condoning their actions, which you definitely don’t want.

To prevent doing or saying something unprofessional you’ll later regret, it helps to understand what may be triggering this type of behavior and how to avoid it. 

So that’s exactly what we’ll shed more light on in today’s guide, starting with:

What is Passive-Aggressive Behavior?

Amy Su, coauthor of Own the Room, told the Harvard Business Review that passive-aggressive behavior is “an unproductive expression of emotions that [a person] can’t share constructively.”

Often, a passive-aggressive coworker will be resistant to their team’s ideas, requests, or actions, but avoid a direct confrontation to explain why. So they’ll give off passive vibes that show their anger, frustration, and displeasure without giving others a chance to work out a better solution.

Common Signs of Passive-Aggressive Behavior At Work

It can be challenging to separate passive-aggressive behavior from someone’s general personality. You can’t change whether someone is just naturally bratty or unprofessional. 

However, you can take steps to turn around passive-aggressive behavior before it has a chance to sour your company culture and damage your work environment.

These are the most common signs of passive-aggressive behavior in the workplace:


  • Saying one thing and then doing another (sometimes behind your back).
  • Undermining others to show superiority.
  • Talking over you or others during meetings, or leaving their mic on when they’re not speaking during video calls to do the same virtually.
  • Constantly making excuses. Rather than taking ownership and facing the consequences of their behavior or actions, they make excuses and find scapegoats, be they other people or external circumstances.
  • Procrastination. Sometimes this is passive-aggressive and other times it may just be someone’s work style. A coworker could be dealing with imposter syndrome, time mismanagement, or feel as if they’re taking on more than their fair share of the workload.

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Some other examples of passive-aggressive behavior at work may also include:

  • Snide remarks and snarky comments
  • Backhanded compliments
  • The Silent Treatment
  • Withholding information
  • Leaving you or others out of meetings
  • Neglecting their share of work
  • Never giving a straight answer
  • Saying “it’s fine” when it’s really not
  • Being dismissive of others’ suggestions

Any one of these actions/behaviors is enough to get your blood boiling. They can also breed hostility and distract everyone from the tasks at hand, lowering the entire team’s ability to deliver.

So What Causes Passive-Aggressive Behavior?

Psychologists have identified a few reasons why someone may become passive-aggressive, such as:

Being unable to communicate about sensitive issues. Sometimes people lack the communication skills necessary to discuss disagreements, especially if they disagree with a team leader or manager. They use passive-aggressive behavior to vent about their negative feelings without technically rocking the boat and speaking up. 

Fear of conflict. Some conflict is necessary in the workplace. It’s why teams brainstorm and bounce ideas around instead of accepting the first suggestion. But some people can’t engage in healthy debate and lack conflict-resolution skills. They fear a discussion escalating into a heated argument, so they just avoid it (but this leads to passive-aggressive behavior, which is actually worse).

Feeling like their ideas or needs are not being heard/considered. When employees don’t feel as if their opinions count or have unmet needs their coworkers or managers ignore, they may take out their general frustration on everyone.

So passive-aggressive behavior may only be the tip of the iceberg, a symptom of a larger issue lurking below the surface. This hostility may be masking feelings of jealousy, anger, disappointment, resentment, and more.

How to Deal with a Passive Aggressive Coworker Constructively

First, don’t ever call out someone for being passive aggressive. This will just blow up in your face and backfire for the entire team.

You don’t want your coworker to feel singled out and attacked. This will put them on the defensive and make them even more angry, frustrated, bitter, etc.

It’s also common for passive-aggressive people to deny that anything’s wrong, then blame you for creating an issue. Experts say using you as a scapegoat helps passive-aggressive people release their pent-up anxiety about whatever the real problem is.

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These five tips will help you deal with a passive aggressive coworker without losing your cool to improve your work relationships:

1. Don’t Take the Behavior Personally

There are several reasons why someone may be acting passive aggressive, like we mentioned earlier. But, chances are, none of them have to do with you. 

So rather than let your coworker get the best of you and ruin your day, take a deep breath. Actually, take several. Go to your happy place and give yourself a quick meditation to calm down your anxiety and anger and refocus. Remember: this isn’t about or directed to you personally.

By taking yourself out of the situation, you can look at what transpired objectively as an observer. Then you may be able to consider underlying issues that may be responsible for your coworker’s latest outburst and proceed in a healthier manner.

2. Be An Active Listener

When a passive-aggressive coworker makes a snide or sarcastic remark, try not to brush it off. Again, sometimes these comments stem from a feeling of not being heard, not having their ideas validated, not having their feelings considered, etc. 

Instead, ask a follow-up question about what they really mean to get to the root of the issue, such as:


  • You made a good point during the meeting. Here’s what I heard you say… 
  • I never considered that angle. Why should we think about a different strategy/goal/etc.?
  • Help me understand the backstory on this… 
  • Let’s talk about the best way to tackle this project from your perspective.
  • That’s true. Have you considered speaking with your [team leader, manager, etc.] about this?


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Now, questions like these will require you to ignore your coworker’s unconstructive delivery and really pay attention to what they’re unable to express (but clearly want to say).

You’ll need a high degree of empathy and emotional intelligence to see the situation from their perspective and get them to open up honestly.

So show them they can trust you and make them feel safe discussing what’s really going on. You may discover they’re actually right about something that would benefit the team, despite not being able to communicate their thoughts or feelings.

Having regular back-and-forths like these may even prevent passive-aggressive behavior from surfacing in the future. 

3. Do This When You Get a Passive-Aggressive Email

Reading a passive-aggressive email is one of the most infuriating work situations. You want to reply in all-caps to get your point across and defend yourself. But you’re smart enough to know that won’t resolve anything.

So try to follow this formula when you get a passive-aggressive email:

Take your time; never reply when you’re angry or raging with emotions. Go back to step 1 and take lots of deep breaths. Find a calm, cool, level-head. Ideally, it’s best to take a walk or talk to someone who makes you smile to distract yourself from losing it. 

Gather the facts when you’re ready to respond. You’ll need to adopt a matter-of-fact tone that’s free of emotion and blame. Make sure you’re all on the same page about the specifics that triggered your coworker’s email.

Try to add specific dates, comments from your project management software, snippets from email threads, sales numbers, analytics and metrics, etc. to address their frustrations and concerns while remaining based in the facts.

Avoid using “you” and switch to “we.” This subtle change depersonalizes the issue so you can get to the heart of the matter. Phrases such as “when we have miscommunication” or “we should find a better way to discuss these issues” are much more disarming than blaming someone for their mistakes.

Write several drafts and keep proofreading your email before sending it. Give yourself time between versions to ensure there’s absolutely nothing emotional or triggering. End it by saying you’d be happy to discuss the situation further to clear up potential issues moving forward.

CC others on your reply. A passive aggressive coworker may be less likely to say something nasty when others on the thread may hold them accountable for their comments. 

4. Build and Reinforce Healthy Communication Norms

Everyone slips into passive-aggressive behavior occasionally. So it helps to create a communication policy that gives everyone a chance to express themselves in a healthy, professional manner.

In a psychologically safe workplace, healthy, constructive discussions and group problem-solving strengthen the entire team’s dynamics.

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So you and your team should agree to use:


  • Honest, direct communication standards. The lines of communication should be respectful, free-flowing, and productive. Set this expectation, and welcome feedback during meetings without repercussion to show you mean it. You can even create an open-door policy (that extends to your email inbox and Slack messages) to give teammates the chance to speak up one-on-one.
  • Anonymous feedback channels. If team members disagree about something, but don’t have the courage to discuss it face-to-face just yet, set up an anonymous avenue for anyone to bring up concerns. Do your best to address these ASAP before passive-aggressive behavior has a chance to surface. 


Once these measures are in place, everyone should feel confident to voice their thoughts and feelings. Then, be sure to hold employees accountable for behavior or actions that go against these policies.

5. Keep Good Records If the Behavior Persists

Some people will always be passive-aggressive jerks. It’s just their nature, and you’ll never be able to change that. But if it starts affecting your work, you may need to take the issue to your team leaders, manager, or HR.

You have every right to be happy and respected in the workplace. Under no circumstances should you have to deal with energy vampires draining your productivity.

So if you’ve tried all the other tips in today’s guide, and you feel like you’re not getting anywhere, make sure to keep detailed records of what you’ve been dealing with. Track specific behaviors, actions, conversations, memos after meetings, etc.

Share these examples with your immediate supervisor before escalating it to your higher-ups. You could also ask your boss to work from home to minimize contact with your coworker and be more productive.

The Takeaway On How To Deal with a Passive Aggressive Coworker

These five tips should help you communicate with a passive aggressive coworker constructively to improve your team’s morale. It can be tricky to get to the heart of their frustrations, but you should have more confidence to go about this like the awesome professional you are.

Remember, don’t take these outbursts personally. Be an active listener and always keep your cool when responding to negative comments or emails. Then, try to reinforce healthy communication practices to prevent passive-aggressive behavior from rearing its ugly head in the future. 

If the situation persists and your higher-ups refuse to address it, you may want to start looking for a new job in a less toxic workplace.

How To Ask Your Boss To Work From Home


The COVID-19 pandemic gave employers and employees a glimpse at what it may be like to work remotely full time. And while some employees fully embraced the work-from-home (WFH) life, others were climbing the walls and couldn’t wait to get back to the office.

As more businesses start returning to “normal” operations, you may be mulling over how to ask your boss to work from home permanently. After all, who wants to deal with a stressful commute, restricting schedule, or distracting coworkers interrupting your flow state?

So if your company hasn’t pitched the idea of flexible work arrangements, it may be time to advocate them for yourself.

Don’t worry; you’re not going to get fired for asking to work remotely, especially when you follow the tips in today’s guide.

How To Ask Your Boss To Work From Home

Follow these 5 tips to boost your chances of getting the green light to work remotely:

1. Brainstorm All The Reasons You Want To Work From Home

Grab a notebook and start brain-dumping all the reasons you’d rather clock in virtually.

Is your grueling commute a major drain on your motivation? Are you more productive during “off” business hours? Do you have to take care of kids or relatives?

List all the reasons the call to work from home is so alluring. Then, circle back to frame these in a way that not only benefits you, but your boss, team, and company. For example:

  • My commute is an hour long, and I could be spending that time productively on the clock from home instead of wasting time in traffic.

  • I have more focus between the hours of X and Y, which is when the office is typically closed. I could be working from home and accomplishing more for the team during that time.

  • Our clients on the west coast frequently call/email when our east coast team is already clocked out. I could attend these meetings from home with a split schedule and give the team a headstart on their to-dos for the following day.

Try not to focus on the perks of working from home that strictly benefit you. Your boss and the company won’t care that you like rolling out of bed and working in your PJs. But they may pay more attention to your request when they hear about how much more productive you’ll be.

2. Think About How Your Working From Home Will Affect Your Team

If you’re the first employee attempting to work remotely, your boss may not want to risk removing you from the well-oiled machine. So you must anticipate and prepare for how this change will affect your coworkers and your team’s daily operations.


Write down concrete answers for:

  • Your ideal work from home hours/days

  • How you’ll track your work hours

  • How you’ll set and manage priorities and expectations from home

  • Whether you can be flexible and still meet in the office as-needed

  • When you’ll be available to your coworkers and how they can reach you during work days (via Slack, email, video calls, etc.)

  • How you’ll attend meetings and collaboration sessions

  • How often you plan to touch base (once daily, AM and PM, weekly calls, etc.)

  • How you plan to supervise from afar (if applicable)

  • How you’ll keep your manager in the loop (and vice versa)

  • Which equipment/remote software/apps you’ll use to get your work done

  • Whether you’ll need a VPN or other security measures to keep your work secure off the company network

  • What happens if you encounter problems at home and can’t work there

  • How you’ll continue to interact socially with your team (i.e., attending happy hours, joining volunteer events, etc.)

  • How you’ll continue to exemplify your company culture

Once you have these details outlined, your boss doesn’t have to do any of the legwork to ensure you’re set up for success. You’ve taken the initiative to prepare a cohesive gameplan, making you appear confident in your ability to work remotely.

3. Gather All Your Supporting Evidence

Your managers may have a hard time trusting that you’ll get your work done away from their watchful eye. So it’s best to gather some hard evidence to back up your case.

If you’ve been working from home, you may have stats to compare your productivity in-house vs. from your home office.

For example, did you finish your coding tasks 25% sooner when you weren’t distracted by your coworkers? Did you land a new client by being available off-hours? Did you increase ROI for your marketing campaigns because you were fully immersed in the data?

Jot down any major wins you noticed when you were WFH to use as supporting evidence for why you can handle this new work style. You can also gather:

  • Performance reviews during your WFH time

  • Glowing emails from happy clients

  • Positive feedback or recommendations from coworkers about your work ethic

If you weren’t keeping track of these, you might need to run a little test to snag this data. Call out sick during the week (preferably on a day that’s not too hectic) and work remotely. Keep track of your time working, answer all the emails/messages your team sends, and do all your regular tasks as if you were already a remote employee.


Take notes of all that you accomplished and whether you could have done as much in-house. At the very least, clue your boss into your emails/messages/project updates so they can see you’re being productive even though you’re technically “out sick.”

In the end, your performance should speak for itself.

So if you routinely hand in work late, never respond to Slack messages, or need your coworkers to make excuses to clients about your mistakes, convincing your boss to let you leave the confines of your cubicle may be an uphill battle.

However, if your performance reviews show you’re a natural self-starter, never late on deadlines and deliverables, and communicate effectively even when you’re out of the office, they’ll have more trust in your ability to work from home.

4. Arrange An In-Person Meeting To Pop The Question

You could certainly send an email to your boss with your WFH request and all the evidence proving it’s a wise idea. But it’s better to go the extra mile and schedule a one-on-one meeting to discuss all the ins and outs face-to-face.

Let your boss know you’d like to have a conversation about improving your work environment and increasing your productivity. Give them your available times to chat and sign off by saying you’re looking forward to your discussion.

When you get a meeting time on the schedule, it’s best to create an agenda for how you’d like the conversation to go. This will help you stay on track and show you’re laser-focused on your intentions.

Your meeting agenda may look something like:

Opening statement: I’d like to work remotely to give my full attention to my responsibilities and dive into deep work during my most productive hours of the day.

Go back to the reasons you outlined in step 1 to come up with your own statement that reflects why it’s in your company’s best interest to let you work from home.

Evidence sharing: Over the past X months I’ve been working remotely, I’ve been able to take early morning career development classes, increased sales by X%, and came up with X creative strategies to improve ROI for my campaigns. I attribute these achievements to a flexible schedule, lack of wasted hours commuting, and greater focus from home.

Here’s where you’ll want to share all the evidence you gathered in step 3. Whip out the metrics you recorded to prove your higher productivity levels, happier clients, key performance indicators (KPIs), error-free work, etc.


WFH goals and gameplan: If you allow me to work from home, I plan to exceed my [sales, coding, marketing, etc.] goals by X% this quarter, onboard X new clients, tackle X new projects, etc. In my proposed Work From Home Plan, I outlined [go through all the strategies you considered during step 2].

Once you walk your boss through your plan, they’ll see that you’ve thought of everything for them. Stress that you believe you can perform at a much higher level from home, which will benefit your team and the company.

Suggest a trial run: If you’d like to test this strategy before committing to a permanent work from home arrangement, we can track my performance for one [week, month, quarter] and regroup to discuss what may need tweaking. There’s no pressure to continue if it’s not in the team’s/company’s best interest.

If your boss is one of those I have to see it to believe types, they may not give you the green light until they see you’re a productive remote employee firsthand. A trial run gives you the chance to iron out the kinks in your plan and prove it’s beneficial for everyone involved.

Ask for an evaluation of your performance during that time. And make sure to keep meticulous records about everything you accomplished.

Closing: Are there any questions I can answer for you or concerns I haven’t addressed?

Give your boss time to soak in all the details of your proposal, and reassure them that they don’t need to make a decision immediately. Chances are, they weren’t expecting your request and may need time to consider all the potential pros and cons.

5. Prepare For Pushback

Even if you have a solid, convincing argument for why you should be allowed to work from home, you should also anticipate negative responses. Prepare to answer these ahead of time, and your manager will see that you’ve thought through every possible objection.

The most common negative reactions include:

  • No one else is working remotely; why should you?

  • How will I know you’ll be available?

  • What if I need something handled urgently?

  • How will I know you’re actually working?

  • What if everyone wants to work remotely after you start doing so?

Your remote work plan should outline answers to all these, so go back and explain them in greater detail if they failed to land the first time.

And if others want to join your remote work experiment, tell your boss you can be the guinea pig to prove it either works or doesn’t. Show them why remote work is a perk to keep employees happy and productive, or attract other candidates to the company, making it worth the trial run.

Still a No-Go? Consider Looking For a New Remote Position

Many companies saw the benefit of allowing their teams to work from home during the COVID-19 pandemic, and they’ve continued this trend. If your boss doesn’t let you work remotely, there are tons of 100% remote positions you may want to chase instead. is a job board that specializes in the best marketing, communications, tech, and design jobs in Canada. And many of these fantastic positions are remote!

So if you’re jazzed about the idea of never stepping into an office again, don’t hold yourself back from realizing this goal. Find your next dream job now!


What to Look For When Applying for Social Media Jobs

[Photo by Jopwell from Pexels]

If you’re looking for social media jobs, you may be surprised to learn just how many different roles fall under this category.

From managing content calendars to working with paid ads, social media jobs cover many different skills, backgrounds, and career goals. 

So how do you know which ones you’ll be perfect for? 

You could apply to any and all jobs in this category, though that will certainly eat up a large chunk of your time, energy, and resources. Or you could work smarter by narrowing down the right roles from those that may not be the best fit.

If this process sounds too overwhelming, don’t worry. We got you.

Just run through this quick checklist of things to look for before you submit an application, and you’ll save time and laser-focus your job search simultaneously.

6 Things to Look for When Applying for Social Media Jobs

The goal of every social media job ad is to get a ton of applicants excited and interested in the position. Then hiring teams can pick a handful of candidates to interview before selecting the perfect fit.

However, you’ll need to break out your fine-toothed comb to scope out whether each position is really the best fit for your experience, personality, and career goals.

Here’s our six-step process for acing this challenge:

1. Check Out the Social Media Tasks You’d Be Responsible For

Social media jobs include a wide range of responsibilities. That’s why it’s important to look past the job title and beeline straight to the job expectations. 

If you can’t handle or want to deal with the day-to-day requirements, it’s best to know sooner than later.

So would you be managing a company’s social media channels? Planning the content calendar and deciding when posts go live? Running social media paid ads?

Or would you be responsible for creating the content itself while you work under a Social Media Director?

You can see why it’s crucial to look closely and carefully at the job responsibilities, especially since they can vary so much.

As this social media job ad shows, sometimes you’ll be required to do all these tasks (and more!):

Here’s a general idea of the most common social media responsibilities you may find on a job ad:

  1. Content creation
  2. Scheduling and management of posts
  3. Paid advertising
  4. Campaign strategies
  5. Analytics
  6. Promotion

Make a list of all the tasks you have experience with, those you’d like to learn more about, and those you really don’t want to perform day in and day out. This will give you a better idea of which social media jobs you can cross off your list or pursue.

2. See Which Platforms You’ll Be Expected to Know and Use

It’s smart to check out all the social media platforms each company uses. Some companies may favor Twitter and Facebook, while others route most of their spending to Instagram, TikTok, or Snapchat.

You’ll not only want to be familiar with each platform the company uses, but know the best practices for how to optimize your efforts. After all, you’ll likely be responsible for growing these audiences and engaging with them.

It’s typical for a social media job ad to list each platform the company favors. However, it’s still a good idea to check their current social media presence anyway (more on this next!).

So add all the social media platforms you enjoy using and have success optimizing to your notes. Then see which job ads match your preferences and experience.

3. Scope Out Their Current Social Media Presence

Take a look at the company’s social media channels to determine what they’re doing right and what they could be doing better.

Do they need to post more often? Grow their follower list? Engage in a more meaningful way? 

What about the voice and tone of their posts? Is it authoritative and educational or topical and funny?

What types of content do they most often post? Blog articles, trending news stories, gifs and videos?

You’ll need to consider all of these points and see if this is something you can handle doing more of or upgrading to improve their outreach.

So jot down some notes on what you find and use these points in your cover letter and interview. The company will be impressed that you took the time to do so, and they may be more open to hearing your great ideas and feedback.

4. Look at the Skills and Experience You’ll Need to Do the Job Right

Once you know more about the role’s responsibilities and the platforms you’ll be working on, you’ll want to dive deeper into what’s expected within these.

Again, look to the job ad to see if you’ll need to:

  • Plan out a content calendar and schedule posts in advance
  • Come up with engaging content and themes
  • Upload and post content with images, videos, links, etc.
  • Manage internal team members or give direction to remote teams
  • Respond to comments, send out surveys, or host contests
  • Create a system for content edits and refreshes
  • Solicit guest contributor opportunities 
  • Monetize posts

While some of these tasks require an eye for creative details, others may demand managerial experience, light coding skills, sales, and even marketing.

You’ll need to look for details like these in the job ad to make sure you understand what’s expected of someone in this position.

At this stage, you should also check how many years of experience the company is looking for. You’ll want to make sure your experience and knowledge base matches this. And if it doesn’t line up exactly, you’ll need to go the extra mile to prove you have the skills they’re in need of.

5. Check the Company’s Culture and What They’re About

A company’s culture will have a huge impact on whether you feel included and aligned with the rest of your team for a purpose. 

So take a peek at the company’s “About Us” or “Mission” to make sure it fits with your personality and your career goals.

You should notice these details on the company’s social media job ad, but if not, head over to their website to sleuth out these vital details.

If these are too formal/ informal for your personality, don’t mesh with your values, or seem inauthentic, this company may not be the right fit despite checking all the other boxes uncovered earlier.

6. Note the Company’s Location and Their Proposed Salary

Finally, look at the details of the job ad that aren’t necessarily highlighted as much as the others, such as location and salary.

Is this company expecting their candidate to work in-house or remote?

If it’s an in-house position, is it close to where you live? If not, can you easily commute? Would you be willing to relocate? What about if they can’t help pay for relocation expenses?

Consider these details before you submit your resume.

Next comes the salary, additional compensation, and employee benefits offered. 

Many companies will leave off a salary completely or propose an ideal salary range in their job ads to create a more inclusive hiring process. If you see one listed, make sure it’s in line with what you’re looking to earn.

Even if it’s not, don’t get discouraged. You can always try to negotiate a higher salary when the time comes.

Don’t forget to consider additional employee perks, such as a gym membership, childcare stipend, stock options, etc., when deciding on a fair compensation range for the position.

Add all these details to your notes, and you may see clear pros and cons to applying for each position sooner. 

Final Thoughts on What to Look for When Applying to Social Media Jobs

While it may be exciting to search for social media jobs, you still need to do your due diligence to make sure the jobs you’re eyeing are the right fit.

A mismatch in company culture, job requirements, or compensation can throw a wrench into the spokes of your goals and career ideals.

So take this checklist along anytime you’re job searching online to ensure promising positions and companies actually match up to what you’re looking for, and you’ll be in excellent shape.

Check out current openings for social media jobs in Canada by visiting this link now!


5 Tips on Negotiating a Higher Digital Marketing Salary

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If you’ve landed on this guide, chances are you’re trying to figure out how to negotiate a higher digital marketing salary before accepting your next job offer, which is a smart move.

Many people find salary negotiations intimidating and overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

As long as you do your research, prepare ahead of time, and ask for a realistic figure, you should have no trouble proving you deserve a higher rate.

So that’s exactly what the five tips in this guide will help you do.

5 Tips on Negotiating a Higher Digital Marketing Salary

Follow this roadmap to put yourself in the best possible position to negotiate a higher salary with confidence:

1. Tackle Your Foundational Homework First

Before you can ask for or negotiate a better salary, you’ll need to have all your ducks in a row. 

Though it’s important to be able to sell a potential employer on your expert skills and prove your value, a strong, compelling negotiation strategy is always based on facts.

That means you’ll need to consider the going rates for digital marketing salaries in your area, how your previous role’s salary factors into this new one, and the responsibilities you’ll have in this new position.

Having this intel on hand will back up your reasons for asking for a higher salary figure. It shows you’re not simply throwing out a random number and hoping the company accepts it.

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So, long before you enter the interview phase, make sure you have the answers to these questions thought out and on paper:

  1. What is your current salary? While this won’t necessarily translate to your new role, it can help you start to narrow down a salary range you’re comfortable accepting.
  2. What are the current going rates for digital marketers in your area? Again, this isn’t a guarantee that you’ll make this amount, but it’s helpful to know to help strengthen your case.
  3. What will your responsibilities include for that salary amount? You may not know the exact details of your day-to-day duties until your interview, but you can get a better idea by carefully reading the job ad to see what’s expected of someone in this role.
  4. What do you need to earn to live comfortably and pay your bills? Once again, this is not a guaranteed salary to ask for. However, it can help you gauge whether the salary you’re being offered is one you can actually live on.

Try not to rush through these questions or answer them using guesstimations. Spend the time to do your research here, and it will go a long way to strengthen your case.

When a hiring manager sees that you’ve done your homework, they’ll be more inclined to listen to what you have to say during the negotiation phase of your interview process versus assuming you just picked a random number.

2. Understand the Responsibilities of the Role

As mentioned above, you must know the ins and outs of your new role before committing to a salary figure. 

You can (and should) comb through the job ad for specifics like your responsibilities and whether you’ll be managing others. Then, make it a point to finalize these details in your interview.

Try to ask questions such as:

  1. Can you describe my potential workload on an average day?
  2. What will I be responsible for? Managing a team or just my tasks?
  3. How will I be assessed for performance reviews? How often will those happen?
  4. How many projects will I be responsible for each week? Each month?
  5. What do those projects entail, including the tasks at hand?

Learning factors like the amount of work you’ll be responsible for, whether you’ll be in charge of a team, or face tight deadlines can help you narrow down a salary that feels fair.

So write down as many questions as you need to determine this, and don’t be shy about asking them during your interview.

3. Head Into Your Interview Overprepared

If you want to negotiate a higher salary, it pays to go the extra mile and take preparations for your interview to the next level.

So on top of answering basic interview questions, such as why you’d be a good fit and how your previous experience can help you in this new role, think about how you’ll discuss the value you’ll provide this company.

Do you think you can grow their social media following? Generate more leads? Cut down their marketing expenses?

These are just a few hot buttons for most marketing teams, and they’re the ones you’ll want to consider and expand on first.

To prove you can accomplish these tasks, you should create a digital portfolio of your experience.

This should include tangible examples of how you’ve helped companies in the past and how your experiences prepared you to crush KPIs (key performance indicators) in this new role.

Once hiring teams see your value, they’ll have an easier time justifying a higher salary figure. This evidence will eliminate many unknowns and make them even more eager and excited to have you on their team.

Pro tip: You should bring your digital portfolio to your interview and plan on describing aspects of it during your presentation. 

To avoid the potential for technical glitches, it’s also wise to send over a copy to the hiring manager ahead of time. And you may even want to have a physical copy as a backup, just in case.

4. Do Not Ask About Salary First

Hiring experts say you should never be the first to ask about salary. But sometimes you can’t avoid the question, especially if they ask it first.

So how do you answer the dreaded, What do you currently make, and what were you expecting for this position?

Unfortunately, this puts you on the spot to answer the question before knowing what the position might pay. And you may reply with a number that’s lower than what they planned to offer.

That’s why you’ll need to think strategically here.

[Image Source]

In this case, you can mention what you made before but also add that you’ve considered this position in great detail and feel that a range between $XX and $YY is more appropriate. This could include your current salary, or it could be over that value.

The point is that your previous salary shouldn’t always translate to what you should make in a new role. 

You’ll have a better idea of this number because you’ve taken our first tip to heart and did your research ahead of time, which is why we stressed doing your homework before anything else.

And by giving a salary range, you won’t pigeonhole yourself into one set number that could be above or below what they were thinking.

5. Ask the Right Questions to Negotiate a Higher Salary

If they give you an offer with a salary figure that’s lower than you were expecting or need to make, you can then start negotiating.

You’ll want to ask further questions and use the research you uncovered in tip #1 to bridge the gap between both numbers.

Consider asking questions like:

  1. How did you come up with this salary figure? “Based on my research, it’s a little lower than the going average, so I’d like to understand where you are coming from to get a better gauge.”
  2. What other benefits will come with this salary? Healthcare costs, 401k plans, childcare or wellness stipends, and paid vacations should also be factored in as part of the salary amount.
  3. Can you tell me more about the responsibilities of the role? Maybe there are fewer responsibilities than your previous role, which could justify a lower rate.
  4. Are there performance reviews that could lead to increases in pay or bonuses? Again, this could increase your base salary and should be factored in. So, taking that straight salary figure at face value may not be advisable until you know these important details.
  5. What do you need from me to show that the salary I’m requesting is warranted? Maybe you need to prove your value a bit more, acquire a specific certification, etc. before they can sign off on the higher pay. It doesn’t hurt to ask this.

From there, let the hiring manager know that you’ve done your homework and you were looking for a figure closer to [state the exact amount]. At this time, you can get specific about what you’re hoping to make, and they can go back to their team to see if they can afford it.

By this point, you’ve given them a comprehensive understanding of the type of experience you bring to the table. And you have the research to back up the salary figure you’re requesting.

With everything done to prove your case, you just have to wait and see if they can find it in their budget to pay you more. And, if they can’t, it’s up to you to decide if the position is worth it.

You may be able to take a lower salary now with the contingency that you’ll “prove your value” on the job and hopefully negotiate an increase during your first performance review.

Final Thoughts on Negotiating a Higher Digital Marketing Salary

While the thought of negotiating for a higher salary can be overwhelming and intimidating, it doesn’t have to be when you follow the five tips we shared today.

This roadmap ensures your request for a higher digital marketing salary is backed by research and your proven experience, which will be hard for hiring teams to ignore.

In the end, it will be your decision whether you accept the offer, but at least you’ll be in a better position to get the most money out of the role. And if you decide it’s not the right fit, you can start the process again with more negotiating experience and confidence under your belt.

There’s always a fresh batch of digital marketing jobs posted on Fresh Gigs if this one’s not for you. Come see!


Digital Marketing Manager Job Descriptions: What To Expect

[decoding job descriptions 101]

Read between the lines of any digital marketing manager job description, and you’ll find a roadmap straight to an interview.

Candidates often forget that hiring managers and recruiters put a lot of time, effort, and research into writing the perfect job ad. Many of these describe exactly what the hiring team is looking for.

That’s why the best applicants scour each job description and make sure they touch on everything mentioned. They usually get to the next round (an interview), while those who send out a general resume ignoring these clues often never hear back. 

So keep reading, and you’ll have the ultimate cheat sheet to landing a digital marketing manager job in no time.

Digital Marketing Manager Job Descriptions: What You Can Expect and How to Prepare Your Resume

You’ll usually find six key areas in every digital marketing manager job description:

1. The Company’s Introduction

To kick off the job ad, companies will tell you a bit about themselves and why you should consider reading the rest of their job description (and apply to work for them). 

Take note of specifics here, such as whether the company is 100% remote, what the work environment is like, whether it’s an established company or a startup, how they value DE&I, their mission, and more.

You’ll want to show hiring teams you’ll be a perfect fit for their company culture. So if you’re jazzed about growing a startup or volunteer for the same causes, mention these somewhere in your cover letter to build a connection and start things on the right foot.

2. Digital Marketing Manager Job Responsibilities

Most of a digital marketing manager job description focuses on the day-to-day activities of someone in this role. 

A digital marketing manager leads a company’s marketing team to greatness. They’re responsible for creating, implementing, tracking, and optimizing marketing campaigns across all digital channels to boost brand awareness, increase sales, and generate leads.

[digital marketing manager at work]

Make sure your resume demonstrates how you’ve handled each of these responsibilities in your previous roles, and how you plan to tackle them for your potential employer:

Campaign management. From digital marketing campaigns to short-term ad goals, highlight all your experience with SEO/SEM, email marketing, content marketing, social media, PPC, and your other outreach efforts.

Budgeting. Give hiring teams examples of the stellar work you’ve done with both small and large campaign budgets. Use specific dollar amounts to show how you planned out and maximized spend.

Analytics and reporting. How did your growth strategies turn out? A digital marketing manager must know how to track and measure key performance indicators (KPIs) and other key metrics. 

To show you can identify trends and act upon those insights, add concrete stats from your prior digital marketing experience that spotlight your impressive:

  • Conversion rates
  • Cost per conversion (CPC)
  • Lead to close ratio
  • Return on ad spend (ROAS)
  • Cost per acquisition (CPA)
  • Results from A/B and multivariate experiments

You’ll need to prepare accurate reports about your team’s and your campaigns’ overall performance to the digital marketing director and key stakeholders. So proving that you can speak about metrics like these early on may move you straight to the interview pile.

Social media and website content creation. What experience do you have optimizing landing pages or planning out and executing a content calendar? What are your secrets for engaging and informing your target audience so they’re motivated to convert? Describe your best practices and results to lure in resume readers further.

Team management. Managers must train, schedule, and assign work to the marketing team. You’ll then follow up on their results, provide guidance, and offer discipline/praise. The best managers will also inspire their team to take on personal and career development/continuing education opportunities. So give a few examples of how you’ve done this.

3. Digital Marketing Manager Skills

After the job responsibilities, you’ll usually find a section outlining the preferred or required skills the company’s ideal candidate will possess. 

The most in-demand skills for a digital marketing manager include:

  • Creativity. What novel approaches have you taken to drive more traffic and connect and engage with your target audience? How do you anticipate their future needs? What makes your ideas different from your competitor’s approach? Use a bold, modern resume layout to explain these. It will command attention and let you express your unique creativity simultaneously.
  • Project management skills. You’ll be the one steering the ship, so what’s your plan for keeping all your campaigns on track, on time, and in budget? Describe how you use your specific traits during your process.
  • Interpersonal skills. The digital marketing manager must collaborate effectively with teammates to optimize the customer experience together. You must be able to brainstorm, practice active listening, provide support, and empathize with your crew.


[teamwork makes the dream work]

  • Strong communication skills. Do you write and speak clearly, concisely, and respectfully? You’ll need these skills to write persuasive copy, communicate with upper management, and keep your team in the loop. A well-written cover letter and resume will prove this ability. 
  • Desire to keep up with the latest trends in digital marketing and social media best practices. The world of digital marketing is constantly evolving. So how do you stay ahead of your competition? How do you keep up with new tools, platforms, updates, etc.?

Consider adding a section on your resume with a bullet list of all these skills (and more!), so hiring teams can see your best qualities at a glance.

4. Digital Marketing Manager Education, Qualifications, and Certification Requirements

Most hiring teams look for a digital marketing manager with:

  • A Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in marketing, business, or another related field. Employers aren’t necessarily looking for an ivy league diploma; they just want to make sure you have a solid foundation of relevant education.
  • Five to 10 years of marketing experience. While this experience shows you’ve been around the block, don’t let it hold you back if you fall short. If you’ve been crushing it in a marketing role for three years and have fantastic stats to back up your hard work, your proven capabilities may still earn you a callback. 
  • Proficiency in web design and marketing tools. Demonstrate your working knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript development; website and marketing analytics tools (such as Google Analytics); content management systems; and more.
  • Certifications, which may not be required but are definitely preferred. Consider adding a section on your resume with a bullet list of your certifications from the American Marketing Association (AMA), Google Ads, HubSpot, Facebook Blueprint, Twitter Flight School, and any others you earned during your career (go, you!).

5. Work Hours, Salary, and Benefits

Digital marketing managers typically work full-time hours (40+ hours/week). While some clock-in on-site at the company’s office, others may work remotely from home. Your potential employer may allow a flexible mix of both.

A digital marketing manager salary ranges from $80,000 to $150,000. Where you fall depends on factors like your education level, experience, geographical location, and the employer’s industry/company size.

[employee benefits = icing on the cake]

Job ads usually close with the hard incentive to apply, which generally comes in the form of sweet employee benefits such as tuition/continuing education reimbursement, paid parental leave, unlimited PTO/vacation time, a health and wellness stipend, and other goodies.

6. The Call to Action

As an experienced digital marketer, you know all about CTAs. But you may be surprised to learn that every job ad has one too. 

Here’s where the company provides instructions on how to submit an application and resume for review. Make sure to read this part at least twice to ensure you’re following their instructions by the book. If they ask you to add your favorite emoji to your cover letter, you must abide. 

These little tests are designed to weed out candidates who don’t have an eye for detail or play by the rules. And now you’ll never fall into that trap.

Let’s Check Out a Few Real-World Digital Marketing Manager Job Descriptions 

As you can see, it doesn’t take much to decode a digital marketing manager job description. When you know exactly what hiring teams are looking for in your resume, you can check off as many boxes as possible to position yourself as the best candidate.

To practice decoding job descriptions, check out real-world examples of digital marketing manager job ads on Fresh Gigs now. The more familiar you become with them, the easier it will be to craft an interview-winning resume every time.

Canada’s top employers trust us for their hiring needs, so we’re always posting ads for marketing positions of all levels. 

Show me marketing jobs available now!


4 Tips to Improving Your Digital Marketing Plan

If your digital marketing plan isn’t grabbing as many visitors or converting as many leads as you had hoped, it may be time for an upgrade.

Fortunately, it doesn’t take much to improve a digital marketing plan that may have gone stale. And you’ve come to the right place to learn just how to do so.

Simply follow the four easy tips in today’s guide, and you’ll have a solid game plan to improve your marketing efforts and start snagging higher conversions in no time. 

4 Tips for Improving Your Digital Marketing Plan

When you’re ready to take your digital marketing plan to the next level, these four strategies will help your product or service take off as soon as you implement them:

1. Have a Plan and Update It Often

One of the biggest marketing mistakes you can make is not having a plan in place.

For example, you probably know you should write and post engaging content on your website and social media channels. But if that’s where your “plan” ends, it’s no wonder you’re not seeing the results you want.

So your first step to improving your digital marketing plan is to actually have one in place.

A comprehensive marketing plan should include:

  • What you hope to achieve with your marketing efforts
  • How you plan to accomplish these
  • Detailed information about your target audience
  • Key intel about what your biggest competitors are doing

Rather than setting lofty goals like earning 1 million likes on an Insta post or racking up $1 million in sales this year, aim for SMART goals based on your history. These Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals should be realistic yet challenging to achieve.

Your digital marketing plan will then include all the steps your team will need to take to make your SMART goals happen.

Notice that one aspect of a SMART goal is measurability. It’s crucial that you measure and track your efforts once you implement your plan to see if and how your actions resonate with your target audience.

As you do this, keep this next tip in mind:

2. Dive Into the Data Instead of Making Assumptions

Every time you post something on your website or social channels, you’ll need to check out the analytics to see how it performed.

When you get in the habit of tracking this intel in a spreadsheet, you can start building a database to help you make informed decisions instead of relying on guesstimations.

You and your team can then spend time analyzing what’s working and what’s falling short, so you can keep creating campaigns that visitors and potential customers will love.

While you may have thought your audience adored cat memes and silly gifs, you may want to change up your posts if the data says otherwise.

You won’t know those critical details if you’re not looking into the actual data about your campaign’s performance.

To add to this point, don’t let poor performance deter you from continuing to move forward. Use the data to inspire and lead your next moves rather than allowing it to defeat you.

So if your cat meme didn’t perform as you had hoped, don’t quit on the idea just yet. Maybe the message was off, or the timing led to a poor result. 

By recording all these details in your spreadsheet, you can tweak one item at a time to test whether that moves the engagement needle and go from there.

After making enough informed decisions and necessary changes, you’ll score a positive upswing in your marketing efforts and learn how to better connect with your audience moving forward.

3. Focus on Building and Optimizing Your Funnels

Next, you should take a look at your marketing funnels. 

You do have those set up, right?

Put simply, your marketing funnels, or sales funnels as they’re also known, guide leads on their buyer’s journey so potential customers learn more about your brand and ultimately inch close to making a purchase/conversion.

Most marketers without a plan are also missing this key ingredient.

To avoid this mega blunder, start setting up and optimizing your marketing funnels today. 

Imagine that you’ve never heard about your brand before. Now, go through the buyer’s journey to see what that looks like for customers.

Do leads get to your website via blog posts? Social posts? Both? The more pathways you can create towards your product, the better.

Once there, how do potential customers learn about your product or service? Do they watch a video, read a blog post, or sign up for a free demo?

You have to know how to help leads navigate toward the finish line (i.e., a conversion). Then they’ll be more likely to follow through and convert.

But you must also know what happens on your end of the transaction. After a lead does come your way, is it immediately passed on to your sales team, or does it sit in an email inbox before someone gets to it?

One wrong move here could drag down your whole campaign.

So optimizing your sales funnel is one of the best things you can do to improve your digital marketing efforts.

And, once again, it’s also vital that you track these leads and conversions as they happen. You and your team will be able to gauge what’s working well and what could use more attention or a reroute.

4. Create Better Content on Your Website and Social Media Platforms

As you go through your buyer journey, jot down all the areas that could use improvement.

Whether that’s creating better content for your website or social posts, the goal is to ensure that your target audience keeps inching closer to making a purchase.

It’s also a good idea to keep refreshing your content to prevent it from becoming outdated or stale. So ask your team to brainstorm how they can keep providing value to your leads and customers.

Don’t make your audience wonder or wait for updated content. 

Carve out a content marketing schedule to regularly post engaging content each day, week, or month. Your audience will look forward to your posts and make a place for your brand in their busy lives, which gets you one step closer to creating lifelong customers.

Final Thoughts on Improving Your Digital Marketing Plan

In the end, it’s not difficult to build on and improve your digital marketing plan.

And since you’ve made it to this point in our guide, you now have plenty of solid tips to run with to help you do just that.

The key is to have a plan of SMART goals, track and measure how your team is progressing on them, update your plan as the data comes in, and keep creating content that helps your target audience connect with your brand, product, or service.

From there, you simply rinse and repeat this formula.

Follow this action plan, and your boss will appreciate all your hard work, your team will feel motivated, and you’ll create a steady stream of customers who can’t wait to buy from you. #triplewin

And if you’re looking to seriously upgrade your marketing skills, check out this guide next.


8 Best Digital Marketing Courses and Certifications

These premium and free digital marketing courses teach you the essentials and beef up your resume with industry-recognized certifications. Ready to skill up and stand out?

What are the best digital marketing courses to further your career?

Hiring managers want candidates with stellar copywriting, social media, and analytics skills. They must also excel in ad campaign management and content creation and curation.

But finding candidates who check off all these boxes doesn’t come easy. And it may be why it takes 16% longer to fill digital marketing jobs[*].

So it’s time to enroll in a digital marketing course and use this talent gap to your advantage.

Not Enrolled In Digital Marketing Courses? Big Mistake.


Digital marketing courses help you:

#1. Level up your marketing skills. Experienced professionals teach online courses. So you get to learn from the experts and keep up with the latest industry trends.

Courses include case studies, real-world assignments, hands-on projects, quizzes, and more. You can complete most coursework on your own time at home without ever attending a lecture.

#2. Earn industry-recognized certifications. Courses teach you the skills hiring managers are looking for. But achieving certification takes your credibility to the next level.

Stick these badges on your personal website, social media profiles, resume, and more.

These low-cost certifications prove you know what you’re doing so you can zoom to the top of the resume stack. And they often lead to higher salaries.

#3. Show off a specialty. Hiring managers look for candidates who solve specific issues for a team or company.

SEO in the tank? Facebook campaigns not as profitable as they should be? If you’re an expert in these fields, companies want to know — and hire you to fix their problems.

So as you can see, advanced-level courses and certifications set you apart from the rest of the pack.

But the best part? You can find online digital marketing courses for all stages of your career and price range. And many of them are free.

The 8 Best Digital Marketing Courses to Catapult Your Career


Digital marketing salaries range from $45,000 to over $115,000 per year. So these free and premium courses make a smart investment if you want to become a:

  • Digital marketing manager
  • Social media manager
  • SEO manager
  • SEM/PPC wizard
  • Content marketer
  • Affiliate marketer
  • … and more

Start by enrolling in:

#1. The Online University Route

Don’t have the time or money to enroll in a prestigious university?

Many high-profile colleges offer online digital marketing courses and certifications.

If you skipped college and want a bit of clout on your resume, this may be the quickest and most affordable route to take.

The most popular online digital marketing university courses come from:

Sessions can take as long as a few weeks to an entire year. And the price ranges between $1,500 to over $5,000.

If you don’t have the scratch right now, keep this option on the back burner. Google has you covered with free digital marketing courses in the meantime.

#2. Google Ads and Analytics Academy Courses

Every digital marketer needs a basic to advanced knowledge of how Google Ads works.

Google Ads Certifications in Search, Display, Video, Shopping ads, and Measurement prove you have what it takes.

Google Analytics Academy courses help you learn about Google’s measurement tools. Find out how to grow your campaigns through intelligent data collection and analysis.

Employers look for both of these qualifications in candidates because they reduce company spend and boost ROI.

And did we mention these courses are free? Same goes for the next.

#3. Google Digital Garage: Fundamentals of Digital Marketing

Google’s free Fundamentals of Digital Marketing course is a must. It’s accredited by the Interactive Advertising Bureau of Europe and The Open University.

Enroll and you’ll explore 26 modules full of video tutorials and practical exercises. Google trainers created these based on real-world examples.

With self-paced learning, most users complete the course in 40 hours and earn a certification to boost their resumes and careers.

#4. Google Marketing Platform Certification

Google Marketing Platform‘s courses have an intermediate marketing professional in mind. You’ll gain certifications in courses that help you achieve marketing objectives as a:

  • Paid Search Director
  • Paid Search Manager
  • Paid Search Supervisor
  • Paid Search Analyst
  • Trafficker
  • Project Manager
  • Creative Developer
  • Creative Director

Google Marketing Platform certifications take about one hour to complete, and they’re also free.

#5. HubSpot Marketing Courses

HubSpot Academy is the leader in free online training for content and inbound marketing.

You’ll find single topic courses in bite-sized lessons. And you can work towards full certifications to earn their industry-recognized badges.

Here are the three most popular HubSpot Academy marketing courses:

  • HubSpot Marketing Certification. Covers 12 separate categories with intel about best practices, research, and content marketing.
  • HubSpot Inbound Marketing Certification. Learn about buyer personas, the buyer’s journey, content marketing, and more.
  • HubSpot Email Marketing Certification. Discover how to generate and structure an email marketing strategy to grow business. This includes contact management and segmentation to deliverables and analyzing email sends.

Each course is free and only takes between three and six hours to complete.

#6. Hootsuite Academy: Industry-Recognized Social Media Courses

At Hootsuite Academy, you’ll develop the skills to use social media to its full potential. This will boost the impact of your marketing efforts, drive results, and prove your ROI.

They offer training courses and those with a certification reward upon completion in:

  • Social Marketing
  • Advanced Social Advertising
  • Social Media Value ROI and Analysis
  • Social Selling
  • Social Selling for Financial Services
  • Social for Healthcare Professionals (in partnership with Mayo Clinic)

Pass these courses and you’ll win permanent social media certifications and a badge to show off. Plus, you’ll get your name placed in the Hootsuite Certified Professionals Directory.

Check out the Hootsuite Advanced Social Media course. Syracuse University’s Newhouse School of Public Communications co-jointly offers this academically recognized certification.

Courses range from four hours to 40 hours long. And they can be free or cost as much as $999.

#7. Facebook BluePrint Certification

Facebook Blueprint provides digital marketers with training, resources, and certifications. They teach you how and prove you can reach customers across all their products.

You’ll find free, self-paced online courses, which are only five minutes long. These are the most popular:

  • Facebook Digital Marketing Associate. Create, manage, and understand reporting on ads across Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger.
  • Facebook Certified Marketing Science Professional. Learn how to use data, insights, and measurements to make informed marketing recommendations.
  • Facebook Certified Media Planning Professional. Design Facebook media strategies that align with business goals and marketing plans. Discover how to plan Facebook campaigns and target audiences for the greatest impact.
  • Facebook Certified Media Buying Professional. Master campaign management, generating and buying ads on Facebook, and Facebook Pixel.

Each Facebook BluePrint Certification takes two to three days to complete. And each exam costs $150.

But an official Facebook-recognized certificate goes a long way for potential employers. Many are hoping to specifically hire someone to improve ROI on this platform (and Instagram).

#8. Simplilearn Digital Marketing Specialist Master Program

Want to become the complete digital marketing package? Consider enrolling in the Simplilearn Digital Marketing Specialist course.

In their 75+ live instructor-led online classes, you’ll have access to 45+ projects and MimicPro Simulation time. This will give you experience in:

  • Search engine optimization
  • Social media
  • Pay-per-click
  • Conversion optimization
  • Digital analytics
  • Content creation and curation
  • Mobile marketing
  • Email marketing
  • .. and more

Plus, you’ll receive The OMCP (Online Marketing Certified Professional) Certification upon completion. This highly-acclaimed certification costs $395 on its own.

For the $1,499 investment, you can fast-track your marketing career, whether you’re just starting out or totally starting over.

Give Yourself the Gift of Opportunity

These eight digital marketing courses prove it doesn’t take a lot of time or money to invest in your career.

Digital marketers with the skills you’ll learn in these courses are in high demand. So earning these certifications will help you stand out in this ultra-competitive job market.

Check out which skills you need to level up by browsing digital marketing jobs on FreshGigs now.

Enroll in a digital marketing course today and become the best candidate for the job you want tomorrow.

So You Want To Be a Programmer? Here’s How Beginners Land Programming Jobs

Follow the five simple steps in this blueprint, and you’ll be a standout candidate for programming jobs all over the world.

[Programmer Goals]

Want to start applying for programming jobs?

You must be pretty smart.

Not only do programmers boast an amazing, in-demand skill set, but they’re also some of the most highly sought after employees.

Snag a remote programming job, and you’ll get to work wherever and whenever you want.

The annual salary doesn’t hurt either.

Starting programmers earn around $40,000 per year. But it’s not uncommon for seasoned veterans to earn over $150k.

So now that you know all the perks of being a programmer, let’s get your foot in the door ASAP.

How to Land Programming Jobs In 5 Easy Steps


[Land a Programmer Job Now]

Follow these five steps in order, and you’ll have an efficient plan for the win:

#1. Think About Your Ideal Career Path

There are many different, equally impressive career paths in the programming world. 

What you choose to pursue should take into account your skill set, your work preferences, your goals, and how you want to make the world better with your code.

Here’s a rundown of the most popular programming jobs:

  • Front-end developers write code that visitors see either on a website or app.
  • Back-end developers craft the framework to keep websites, apps, etc. running smoothly behind the scenes.
  • Software programmers turn an idea into a usable, functioning end product.
  • Mobile app developers focus exclusively on programming applications for smartphones, tablets, etc.

Before you can pursue any of these programming careers, you’ll need to become well-versed in coding language.

#2. Learn the Lingo

You can’t be a programmer without learning at least one programming language — and ideally, two or three.

Once you learn the basic concepts, it’s easy to transfer your understanding from one language to the next. It’s kind of similar to taking Latin and then finding yourself on Easy Street if you learn Spanish, Italian, or French later.

Know which programming field you’re most interested in?

Find out which coding language those programmers mainly speak.

[Choose Your Language]

Front-end developers, for example, usually work in CSS and JavaScript; mobile app developers typically begin in Java or Swift.

Don’t know what you want to do yet? 

You’ll need to start somewhere.

These are the most versatile coding languages for new programmers:

  • JavaScript is versatile in both front- and back-end development for everything from websites, apps, robotics, games, and more.
  • Java is super easy to learn because it reads like English. It’s also fun for beginners to play around with mobile apps, back-end web dev, etc.
  • Python. It’s adaptable, widespread, and present in every field, from AI to software development.

What if you have a specific career goal in mind?

[Talking Code-y]

One of these niche programming languages may be a better fit:

  • CSS/HTML. These two separate languages are basically mandatory for front-end website developers.
  • Ruby. Developed recently in Japan, Ruby is a full-stack web development language worth checking out if you’re interested in web and game dev.
  • Swift. Apple released Swift to simplify iOS app development.
  • Solidity. Plan to tackle blockchain and cryptocurrency? Get Solidity under your belt before the demand for it increases exponentially very soon. 

Start learning and focusing on one language before moving on to the next.

While you can certainly spend the time and money earning a university degree, a majority of successful coders teach themselves.

You can buy a book on programming and coding languages, take an online coding course, watch programming videos, and so much more. 

Get creative and be resourceful.

Those are the marks of a real programmer.

#3. Write Practice Code & Share It With the Community 

It may seem obvious, but you can’t call yourself a full-fledged programmer — and expect to land a programming job — without actually earning coding experience.

Practice is the secret to becoming a programming hero, after all.

So practice everything you learn as soon as you learn it. There’s no reason to keep all these new ideas to yourself.

[Get It Out of Your Head]

Download a code editor to write your own programs.

Try solving an online programming quiz on Project Euler to hone your skills. You’ll find a description of a problem and an open question for programmers to solve.

Or join an open-source project and contribute to the programming community at watering holes like GitHub, SourceForge, and Stack Overflow.

Though no one likes having their work torn apart, feedback from veterans only strengthens your coding skills.

[Ask Around]

If you’re looking for a mentor, look no further than Codementor to connect with fellow developers and stay on top of the latest programming and coding tutorials.

Just practice, practice, practice.

Soon you’ll be fluent in your chosen language and ready to take on real projects.

#4. Build an Online Portfolio of Your Programming Achievements

Before you’re ready to start applying for programming jobs, you should complete small projects and share them on your website.

Bonus points if you create this stunning website yourself.

Your website and online portfolio help you:

  • Attract the right job offers and projects. A collection of your accomplishments is the best way to show off your coding skills to prospective employers, clients, and others in your professional network.
  • Stand out from your competition. When you’re applying as an entry-level programmer, most candidates won’t have much experience. A solid online portfolio inspires confidence and gives you a leg up.

Show off your coding accomplishments, and you’ll come off as experienced, self-motivated, and completely capable.

[You’re Awesome.]

To do this, start taking on freelance programming jobs or online programming jobs you can complete at home if you’re working a 9 to 5. Then post your finished project on your site.

You can also publish dev notes on your blog to explain your inspiration/motivation, ideas, etc. for the world to marvel at.

Don’t forget to add a link to your portfolio in your resume and cover letter anytime you apply for programming jobs.

#5. Apply for Programming Jobs (woo!)

When you meet the minimum requirements for an entry-level programming job, apply to as many as you can. You have the option to work in-house or work remotely almost everywhere.

Don’t get the first programming job you applied for? No worries!

Keep taking on freelance projects to beef up your online portfolio, strengthen your skills, and boost your experience meter.

You’ll get offered a role worthy of your calibre of coding soon enough.

[One of Us]

Just don’t get comfortable.

Programming these days is nothing like it was ten or even just five years ago. You’ll need to continually keep up with new advances in this rapidly developing field for potential employers to find you an attractive candidate.

See What Actual Programming Jobs Require

Programming is one of the most popular remote job categories, and people possessing these skills are very much in-demand in the job market right now.

If you’re willing to learn several programming languages, continually practice new code, and hone your portfolio, you’ll be a contender for any programming job.

The hardest part about becoming a programmer is just getting started. But now you have everything you need to rocket into the stratosphere of success. 

Canada’s Top Marketing Agencies: 15+ Marketing Firms to Work for In 2020

Looking for marketing jobs in Canada? Check out this guide to find the best-established agencies and inventive newcomers across the country.

Want to work at one of Canada’s top marketing agencies?

Before you start updating your resume and cover letter for new opportunities, you should spend some time researching and getting to know the marketing firms in your job search area first.

After all, how will you know if your impressive online portfolio of marketing experience jives well with the vibes of your potential employer?

So use this resource to find the best marketing agency for your talents and work preferences and get ready to land your dream job in 2020.


Canada’s Top Marketing Agencies: 5 Established Firms with Clout

Working for a large marketing agency with hundreds of employees has its perks. Besides the job stability an experienced company brings, you’ll usually find entry-level positions and opportunities for advancement.

Recent grads and those with less experience may want to start here and learn from one of the most experienced marketing firms in Canada, including:

Havas Canada

Havas Canada splits its 100+ employee base between HQ in Montreal and its second office in Toronto. They’ve been in business for over 30 years, helping companies with their web design, advertising, branding, and consumer outreach. 

Notable clients include the Canadian Women’s Foundation, New Balance, Dior, and Volkswagen.

OKD Marketing

OKD Marketing has been around for almost 40 years in Burlington. Their employees provide strategies for marketing and advertising, web development, and social media marketing. They don’t recruit employees specializing in one category since they believe a wide range of thinkers keeps their offerings sharper.

Notable clients include Castello, Canadian Cancer Society, Integra Tire, UPS, Margaritaville, and HBC.


Cundari is Canada’s most globally awarded independent agency thanks to its employees’ creative strides in branding, digital marketing, content marketing, user experience, and user interface design. They’ve been headquartered in Toronto for nearly 40 years and show no signs of slowing down.

Notable clients include Canada Dry, Cineplex, Motts, oecm, and Yellow Tail wines.

Giants & Gentlemen

Employees of Toronto-based creative advertising gurus Giants & Gentlemen have been specializing in advertising, digital strategy, and marketing for retail and hospitality groups since 2012. Their typical campaigns run above the $100,000-mark, so your ideas won’t be hampered by small budgets.

Notable clients include Royal Bank of Canada, Days Inn, Park N’ Fly, and Fisherman’s Friend.

Let’s Get Optimized

This full-stack Canadian SEO agency handles 100% of all SEO management in-house with SEO Consultants in three provinces: Ontario, Québec, and Nova Scotia. They have over 20 years of experience and the organic results to show they’re the “best SEO company in Canada.”

Notable clients include Ikonek, Ethos Technologies, Holebeche Law, and Maison Du Beau.


Canada’s Top Marketing Firms for New, Inventive, and Creative Minds

Want to break out of your traditional marketing firm and go where your out-of-the-box ideas are encouraged?

These marketing agencies are blazing trails for what’s next in brand engagement:

Sid Lee

Sid Lee is based in Montreal and boasts over 900 artisans working from offices in Toronto, Los Angeles, New York, and Paris. You’ll work on standard digital marketing services like branding and social media strategies. But their in-house studios provide clients with marketing solutions that create experiences, such as events and exhibitions, to help customers better engage with brands in-person.

Notable clients include Honda, Spotify, Starbucks, The North Face, and KFC.

Art & Science

Art & Science was ranked among Profit 500’s fastest-growing companies in Canada. This creative marketing agency combines the inspiration of an artist with the analytic rigor of a scientist to produce campaigns, products, and brands that wow.

Notable clients include Samsonite, The Orpheum, Starbucks, Hermès, Intel, and Tedx Toronto. 

John St.

Parlez-vous Français? This Toronto-based advertising agency keeps Canadian employees, clients, and customers in mind as they offer original marketing in French, along with French adaptations of their original creations. Their primary mission: to make their clients’ brands unignorable. 

Notable clients include Scotties, Mitsubishi, the World Wildlife Federation, and Alcon.

Massive Media

Massive Media is a full-service digital agency based in Vancouver. Their small team specializes in artistic branding, digital marketing strategies, and web design “for those with ambition,” according to their website. 

Notable clients include CBC, Staples, Microsoft, and Black Tusk Helicopters.


Canada’s Best Marketing Agencies for Social Media Wizards and other Specific Marketing Skills

These marketing agencies specialize in niche markets and are always looking for candidates who fit their specific skill sets:


Eighty-Eight is a Toronto-based communications agency focused on growing startups, technology firms, and large brands. Their core services include PR and media relations, influencer and content marketing campaigns, and branding and design projects.

Notable clients include Lift & Co., Infiniti, Lyft, Sony Pictures Television, and Yellow Pages.

Jelly Digital Marketing & PR

Based out of Fort Langley, B.C., Jelly is a digital marketing firm providing clients with high-level strategies for SEO, PPC, social media marketing, conversion optimization, video production, content marketing, and media buying.

Notable clients include Big Splash Waterpark, La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries, Trading Post Brewing, Legacy Advantage, and Greater Vancouver Zoo.

Social Media 55

With headquarters in Montreal, the skilled marketers at Social Media 55 help businesses rank higher in Google SERPs and get their Facebook and Instagram pages verified for instant customer credibility, among other services.

Notable clients include Top Maui Hotels and JIVAGO Brands

Bob’s Your Uncle

Bob’s Your Uncle is an advertising agency for thoughtful food, beverage, and lifestyle brands. You’ll be a shoo-in with experience in this sector.

Notable clients include Popeyes, Mike’s Hard Lemonade, Cadbury, Applebees, Quiznos, and Doritos.

Strano + Pettigrew Design Associates

If your marketing skills are strongest in packaging design, product branding, and corporate identity creation, this Toronto-based marketing agency may be the best fit for you. Strano + Pettigrew helps small and mid-sized businesses crush their competitors.

Notable clients include Air Canada, University of Toronto, Second Cup Coffee Co., and Aramark Canada.

Forge and Smith

Forge and Smith is a tight-knit team of designers, builders, and strategists out of New Westminster. They’ve been specializing in custom WordPress web development and design, and intelligent digital strategies, since 2012.

Notable clients include Pacific Centre for Reproductive Medicine, Agile Group, Olympics Canada, United Way, Knowledge Network, and Discovery Channel.

Arcane Marketing

Arcane is the original digital-first agency. They’re on a mission to change the reality of marketing spend from an expense line to a predictable income generator, helping brands realize a 5:1 ROI from their marketing dollars.

Notable clients include Lunapads, Cowbell Brewing Co., and Roots Canada.


Did You Know You Can Find Marketing Jobs at Canada’s Top Marketing Agencies on FreshGigs?

Marketing professionals, you’re in the right place. is a Canadian job site specializing in marketing jobs. You’ll find positions of all levels at all the top marketing firms in Canada, including Marketing Coordinator, Marketing Assistant, Manager, Director, Executive, and VP. 

Save yourself time by checking FreshGigs instead of all these other company websites. Use these quick links to search marketing jobs in Canada by location on FreshGigs now:

And if you’re an employer, we welcome you to learn more about, and why Canada’s top employers and brands trust our site for all their hiring needs.

How to Break Into Tech and Land an Entry-Level Job Like a Pro

Follow these five simple steps to snag well-paying entry-level tech jobs in Canada while the market’s hot.

Entry level tech jobs in Canada are not only plentiful, but cater to all sorts of backgrounds, work experience, and areas of expertise. 

Canada’s tech bubble includes companies focusing on the future of AI, cloud solutions, and green technology for a better tomorrow. 

So it’s no wonder majors like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon now have HQs across the country. And it’s why Toronto’s one of the fastest-growing tech hubs in the world (and currently beating out Silicon Valley).

If you have the skills and drive, almost any opportunity could be your big break into tech. Salaries for entry-level tech jobs in Canada start around $40,000 per year, and experts earn well over $150k.

But landing one of these prestigious gigs without much experience takes a few insider tips. 


How to Snag Entry Level Tech Jobs in Canada Like a Pro

Follow these five easy steps to get your big break in tech and beat out the fierce competition:

First, Understand What Entry-Level Actually Means

[Entry-Level Duty]

Every company defines entry-level positions differently. Some require skills over work experience; others just the opposite. 

Generally, an entry-level job:

  • Doesn’t require specific skills or a degree
  • May call for on-site or on-the-job training
  • Could be part-time and transition to full-time employment
  • Starts near the bottom of the pay scale
  • May not include employee benefits

Competition for entry-level positions typically includes recent high school and college graduates, and people starting over in a new profession.

What’s the deal with entry-level job postings that require one to three years of experience?

Many large companies set the bar high to weed out the hundreds of potential candidates they receive each day. This makes it easier for hiring managers to find their ideal candidate, and it helps the company recruit a workforce from the cream of the crop.

Unfortunately, this goal isn’t just unrealistic; it prevents many qualified candidates from even applying.

So muster up the confidence to apply for positions even if you don’t tick all the requirements. Your application will be a legit contender as long as you can identify and sell your transferable skills (and you’re not a total newbie).


Remember, work experience and non-work experience includes:

  • Internships and work-studies
  • Volunteering
  • Coursework and certifications
  • Memberships in professional organizations 

And think about IT skills you picked up from other jobs that will transfer in your potential new role, such as teamwork, problem-solving, multitasking, etc.

Decide Which Career Path You Want to Pursue

Entry-level tech jobs in Canada call for employees from all sorts of backgrounds and career paths.

The best tech jobs for people with computer science backgrounds include:

  • Developer
  • Programmer
  • Software Engineer
  • IT Consultant
  • System Administrator
  • Quality Assurance Analyst 
  • IT Manager
  • Data Analyst 

But there are also many roles in tech that don’t require a background in computer science or IT. Sales and marketing jobs in tech, for example, are second in demand after programmers and engineers. 

It’s incredibly challenging to find candidates with the right skills, passion, background, and experience to get these jobs done, but tech companies need:

  • Creatives like writers, photographers, videographers, editors, graphic designers, etc. They build everything else for consumers around the company’s tech.
  • Marketers to promote the tech to the masses.
  • Sales teams to earn revenue to scale the tech and grow companies. 
  • Business Analysts who teach businesses how to incorporate technology and become more efficient and profitable.
  • Project Managers and Project Coordinators to keep tech and IT projects on track, on-schedule, and in-budget.
  • Technical and Customer Support to help people when the tech goes wrong.

[Tech Jobs for Everyone]

No matter what you bring to the table, you may not land your dream gig on the first try. And that’s ok! 

Entry-level jobs are designed to work employees up the career ladder. 

So think about which tech roles you want in the present and those which will help you nab the future position you ultimately desire. Keep your stick on the ice, ace your work duties, and you’ll be the one in the spotlight come promotion time.

Start Earning Achievement Trophies

Many successful programmers and coders are self-taught, proving you don’t need a computer science degree to land a job in tech.

Thanks to the plethora of resources available, the best professionals are not only taking online courses but teaching them. You’ll find hundreds of free or very affordable courses you can take online on your own time without having to commute to class.

The most in-demand IT skills include:

  • Java
  • Linux
  • JavaScript
  • Agile
  • SQL
  • Python
  • C# and .NET
  • C and C++

[Coding Skillz]

Certifications are also important when it comes to IT skills, including:

  • Cisco certified network associate (CCNA)
  • Cisco certified network professional (CCNP)
  • Certified information systems security professional (CISSP)
  • Certified information systems auditor (CISA)

You’ll also find certifications for HP, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and Microsoft certified solutions expert (MCSE). Even project managers can earn a Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. 

Earn these in your free time and take on more tech projects in your work and home life. 

Does your friend need a website for their band? Design it. Want to put your local honey farm on the map? Set up their secure online storefront. 

All these projects make excellent resume and portfolio material. 

Create an Online Portfolio of Projects

An online portfolio of your achievements and projects goes a long way to establish your credibility and skills when your resume’s light on experience. 

It should contain a brief bio and mission statement, what you’re working on/interested in, completed projects, and your future goals and plans.

So track each project you complete, whether it’s an app, website, social media campaign, etc. Describe your work in mini case studies and show potential employers why you should be hired.

Each project allows you to hone your skills for recruiters. It also proves you’re a motivated self-starter and not a slouch, despite your lack of tech experience.

[Impressive Portfolio]

Link to your online portfolio on your resume and from all your social media profiles. Potential employers are sure to look up prospective employees online, so make sure your online presence gives off professional vibes.

You should also include a contact form on your website so recruiters can contact you even when you’re not scouting the job boards.

Use the Right Job Board (Hint: It’s Fresh Gigs)

You could spend hours every day checking open positions at all the major tech companies in Canada. Or you could let Fresh Gigs take this tedious task off your hands.

We’re Canada’s top place to hire tech and creative professionals — and all the best companies know it. We scour the web for entry-level tech jobs in Canada so all you have to do is spruce up your resume and apply for the most exciting gigs.