4 Tips to Improving Your Digital Marketing Plan | FreshGigs.ca

4 Tips to Improving Your Digital Marketing Plan

If your digital marketing plan isn’t grabbing as many visitors or converting as many leads as you had hoped, it may be time for an upgrade.

Fortunately, it doesn’t take much to improve a digital marketing plan that may have gone stale. And you’ve come to the right place to learn just how to do so.

Simply follow the four easy tips in today’s guide, and you’ll have a solid game plan to improve your marketing efforts and start snagging higher conversions in no time. 

4 Tips for Improving Your Digital Marketing Plan

When you’re ready to take your digital marketing plan to the next level, these four strategies will help your product or service take off as soon as you implement them:

1. Have a Plan and Update It Often

One of the biggest marketing mistakes you can make is not having a plan in place.

For example, you probably know you should write and post engaging content on your website and social media channels. But if that’s where your “plan” ends, it’s no wonder you’re not seeing the results you want.

So your first step to improving your digital marketing plan is to actually have one in place.

A comprehensive marketing plan should include:

  • What you hope to achieve with your marketing efforts
  • How you plan to accomplish these
  • Detailed information about your target audience
  • Key intel about what your biggest competitors are doing

Rather than setting lofty goals like earning 1 million likes on an Insta post or racking up $1 million in sales this year, aim for SMART goals based on your history. These Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals should be realistic yet challenging to achieve.

Your digital marketing plan will then include all the steps your team will need to take to make your SMART goals happen.

Notice that one aspect of a SMART goal is measurability. It’s crucial that you measure and track your efforts once you implement your plan to see if and how your actions resonate with your target audience.

As you do this, keep this next tip in mind:

2. Dive Into the Data Instead of Making Assumptions

Every time you post something on your website or social channels, you’ll need to check out the analytics to see how it performed.

When you get in the habit of tracking this intel in a spreadsheet, you can start building a database to help you make informed decisions instead of relying on guesstimations.

You and your team can then spend time analyzing what’s working and what’s falling short, so you can keep creating campaigns that visitors and potential customers will love.

While you may have thought your audience adored cat memes and silly gifs, you may want to change up your posts if the data says otherwise.

You won’t know those critical details if you’re not looking into the actual data about your campaign’s performance.

To add to this point, don’t let poor performance deter you from continuing to move forward. Use the data to inspire and lead your next moves rather than allowing it to defeat you.

So if your cat meme didn’t perform as you had hoped, don’t quit on the idea just yet. Maybe the message was off, or the timing led to a poor result. 

By recording all these details in your spreadsheet, you can tweak one item at a time to test whether that moves the engagement needle and go from there.

After making enough informed decisions and necessary changes, you’ll score a positive upswing in your marketing efforts and learn how to better connect with your audience moving forward.

3. Focus on Building and Optimizing Your Funnels

Next, you should take a look at your marketing funnels. 

You do have those set up, right?

Put simply, your marketing funnels, or sales funnels as they’re also known, guide leads on their buyer’s journey so potential customers learn more about your brand and ultimately inch close to making a purchase/conversion.

Most marketers without a plan are also missing this key ingredient.

To avoid this mega blunder, start setting up and optimizing your marketing funnels today. 

Imagine that you’ve never heard about your brand before. Now, go through the buyer’s journey to see what that looks like for customers.

Do leads get to your website via blog posts? Social posts? Both? The more pathways you can create towards your product, the better.

Once there, how do potential customers learn about your product or service? Do they watch a video, read a blog post, or sign up for a free demo?

You have to know how to help leads navigate toward the finish line (i.e., a conversion). Then they’ll be more likely to follow through and convert.

But you must also know what happens on your end of the transaction. After a lead does come your way, is it immediately passed on to your sales team, or does it sit in an email inbox before someone gets to it?

One wrong move here could drag down your whole campaign.

So optimizing your sales funnel is one of the best things you can do to improve your digital marketing efforts.

And, once again, it’s also vital that you track these leads and conversions as they happen. You and your team will be able to gauge what’s working well and what could use more attention or a reroute.

4. Create Better Content on Your Website and Social Media Platforms

As you go through your buyer journey, jot down all the areas that could use improvement.

Whether that’s creating better content for your website or social posts, the goal is to ensure that your target audience keeps inching closer to making a purchase.

It’s also a good idea to keep refreshing your content to prevent it from becoming outdated or stale. So ask your team to brainstorm how they can keep providing value to your leads and customers.

Don’t make your audience wonder or wait for updated content. 

Carve out a content marketing schedule to regularly post engaging content each day, week, or month. Your audience will look forward to your posts and make a place for your brand in their busy lives, which gets you one step closer to creating lifelong customers.

Final Thoughts on Improving Your Digital Marketing Plan

In the end, it’s not difficult to build on and improve your digital marketing plan.

And since you’ve made it to this point in our guide, you now have plenty of solid tips to run with to help you do just that.

The key is to have a plan of SMART goals, track and measure how your team is progressing on them, update your plan as the data comes in, and keep creating content that helps your target audience connect with your brand, product, or service.

From there, you simply rinse and repeat this formula.

Follow this action plan, and your boss will appreciate all your hard work, your team will feel motivated, and you’ll create a steady stream of customers who can’t wait to buy from you. #triplewin

And if you’re looking to seriously upgrade your marketing skills, check out this guide next.