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Author Archives: Peter Mosley

Four things that all managers need to remember

Mangers-Need-To-RememberImage of mature businessman from Shutterstock.

With over 40 years in business, Writer Pete Mosley’s lived by a few of these wonderful old chestnuts. He pens this piece as a kick in the pants to all the bosses who get in the way of their own success.

tip #1 When someone tells you how to run your business – you will go out of business

Never let the lawyers, accountants or consultants (and any other folks for that matter) tell you how to run your business. Trust your instincts. Trust your facts and trust yourself. You are the boss, don’t let doubts creep into your mojo! Continue reading

You shoot, you score! Why you should make goal setting a priority in 2016 (and beyond)

PM 0118 Track Your Way To SuccessImage of man shooting an arrow via Shutterstock.

I strongly believe you can’t manage people, you can only manage their commitments. One way to do this – for yourself or others – is by goal setting.

According to, goal setting is “a motivational technique based on the concept that the practice of setting specific goals enhances performance, and that setting difficult goals results in higher performance than setting easier goals.”

So, what’s the easiest way to set goals for yourself? Continue reading

Hone these soft skills to give yourself a competitive advantage in business – and life

The-Competitive-EdgeImage of woman hiking in the mountains from Shutterstock.

Have you ever noticed that certain people always seem to have an “edge”? They might not be the smartest, the richest or any of those things we associate with success…and yet, they always seem to do well for themselves. What is it about them? What give them that edge?

While we may not have had the lucky breaks nor the trust fund to propel us into the societal/social stratosphere, we’re not imprisoned by our social standing. And I think everyone – if they choose to work at it – can achieve a competitive edge.

Here’s how: Continue reading

How Sun Tzu’s legendary Principles of War are actually awesome present-day lifehacks

Art-War-Strategies-WorkplacePhoto of Military Cadets from Shutterstock.

When you think of Sun Tzu and the Art of War, what comes to mind? Do you think 6th-century warriors, battlefields and an epic battle between good and evil? No? Well, good. Despite its rather grim title, the legendary tome addresses and outlines the appropriate strategies for battle – on the field and of the mind – in short, how to win the battle of wits. Author Pete Mosley takes some of the great tactician’s Principles and breaks them down into present-day work/life hacks.

The Master Principle

The selection and maintenance of the aim. This means that first of all you are to establish clearly what your objective is to be. Once this has been determined precisely you should not allow yourself to be deviated from the plan of action you have made.
Tl;dr: Focus on your goals. Continue reading

How understanding these hidden elements could be the key to effective communication

Effective-CommunicationsPhoto of Business People Corporate Meeting Board Room Concept from Shutterstock.

When it comes to effective communication, speaker and listener both share equally in the responsibility of communicating. Communication is a two way process that involves both how we send and receive messages.

Improving communication starts by understanding that our personal filters determine how we package a message (the information we send out), and, conversely, how others receive, or decode the intended message. As soon as we are cognizant of how we filter and distort the information we receive, we are better able to take responsibility for listening more effectively. Continue reading

Yay! Another meeting – said no one, ever

Another-Meeting-PleaseYoung business partners sharing ideas from Shutterstock.

I have tried to avoid meetings as much as possible all my life. This thinking of mine stems from an article I once read from a 1939 copy of The Harvard Business Review that stated: if you have more than two meetings a month, you will go out of business.

Likely an unpopular sentiment in those days, and yet, in more modern settings, I have seen the elimination of meetings work wonders for companies. Continue reading

3 ways emotions boost online engagement

PM0901 Communications: Emotions Trump Everything_IMG

If Martians were to land in your backyard today, and wanted to know what being “human” was like, what would you show them?

Perhaps you’d show them examples of people looking after each other: parents looking after a baby, volunteers hammering together a house for someone whose life will be changed by it; or the way we stop for someone who has tripped to ask if they’re all right; or perhaps the way an entire nation donates food and medicine to countries in need. It’s when we’re caring for one another that we’re at our best. Continue reading

What Innovators Do

What Innovators Do

Consider the differences:

1. Some people see a trend and see a threat. Innovators see the same trend, and see an opportunity.

2. Some people tend to focus on past failures with sadness or disgust. Innovators look at the same failures and analyze them to figure out what to do better next time.

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Fear of Failure

Fear of Failure

Fear of failure is something that will be with you for your entire career. It never goes away.  

In the beginning of your career when you start the working business process, it will inevitable feel half-baked. You are always going to be looking over your shoulder waiting for somebody to call you out. “You are an idiot.”  “You are a fraud and an impostor.”  “This is never going to work!”

Getting used to these feelings and these sensations is a good thing. But, it takes time.

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Connecting and Communicating

Connecting and Communicating

It’s very easy and comfortable to hit a “Like” button on Facebook, request a connection on LinkedIn, or send an email to someone you want to connect with and hopefully meet. It is sometimes very uncomfortable to do so in real life.

One of the best sources of potential connections are at conferences or networking events run by industry associations. 

Here are 10 Tips if you find you are timid while attending a conference or event:

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