You shoot, you score! Why you should make goal setting a priority in 2016 (and beyond) |

You shoot, you score! Why you should make goal setting a priority in 2016 (and beyond)

PM 0118 Track Your Way To SuccessImage of man shooting an arrow via Shutterstock.

I strongly believe you can’t manage people, you can only manage their commitments. One way to do this – for yourself or others – is by goal setting.

According to, goal setting is “a motivational technique based on the concept that the practice of setting specific goals enhances performance, and that setting difficult goals results in higher performance than setting easier goals.”

So, what’s the easiest way to set goals for yourself?

Put it in writing

Everyone should write down their personal goals. ”Goals propel you forward,” say the good folks at “Having a goal written down with a set date for accomplishment gives you something to plan and work for. A written goal is an external representation of your inner desires; its a constant reminder of what you need to accomplish.”

Whether working for yourself or others, setting goals can then be incorporated into an action plan to achieve the short and long range objectives. The first step in setting personal goals is to consider what you want to achieve by a particular time.


As you do this, make sure that the goals that you have set are ones that you genuinely want to achieve; make sure that you also remain true to yourself.

A program of tracking and charting progress be developed to assure personal score keeping. suggests using the SMART method as a way of making your goals more powerful:

S – Specific
M – Measurable
A – Attainable
R – Relevant
T – Trackable

Mind also suggests that instead of having “earn my first commission” as a goal, it’s more powerful to use the SMART technique to make the goal more concrete. “To have completed my first client sale of $250 or more by December 31, 2015.” Simple as this tweak may be, the entire SMART method is covered in just one statement.

Put them to good use

Tracking and charting is most effective when developed with the input and commitment of the users and the results are used for appropriate recognition and correction. In a team environment, for example, if someone misses their target, their written commitment shouldn’t be used as a toll for belittling or berating them.

A written goal is an external representation of your inner desires; its a constant reminder of what you need to accomplish.

There are many other benefits to tracking and charting goals, which include

  1. Identification of quality and effectiveness standards
  2. Establishing expectations
  3. Generating feedback
  4. Avoiding problems
  5. Providing information

In a team setting, when paired with solid management can deliver growth, productive teams and help foster a feeling of collaboration. When used on a personal level, not only will growth be a positive outcome, but also a clarity of vision and perhaps the chance at a much more diverse and rewarding career.

Do you track your goals? What other tips and advice do you have for tracking and charting your success? We’d like to hear from you! Leave your comments below.