Powerful Tip for Positive Thinking During your Job Search | FreshGigs.ca

Powerful Tip for Positive Thinking During your Job Search


Searching for a job is a full time job. Every new cover letter is another mountain to climb. Every new Taleo profile to create is another ocean to cross. It’s easy to get discouraged even for the biggest of optimists.

But Lily Zhang, career counselor and author of The Simple Trick That Will Make Your Job Search Way Less Painful, has a message for any job seeker stuck in the grooves of despair: focus on the things that have been working for you, and that are in your control.

Celebrate the little victories along the way in order to remain optimistic and encouraged.

Lily has found her clients are able to bounce back on track by following that one quick trick.

Next time the job search has you feeling discouraged, write down all the things you’ve been doing right:

  • Have you reached out to people in your network?
  • Are you actively attending networking events?
  • Has a side project helped you realize what you’re truly passionate about?
  • Have you been thorough with conducing company research before your interviews?

It may not be the same as having an offer in your hand, but it’s something that will help you realize that you’re working hard, your efforts should be acknowledged, and that each step gets you a little closer to your goal.

It echoes what Marc Chernoff reinforces in his article 16 Reasons You’re Succeeding in Life (Even If You Don’t Feel You Are).  Marc notes that when you’re feeling less than successful or struggling to make progress, to pay attention to the small things. Look towards what you have already accomplished, and what’s yet to come.

“The most efficient way to enjoy more success in life is not to obsess yourself with what hasn’t worked,” Mark says, “but instead to extend and expand upon the success you already know.”

There are no restrictions to how often you can conduct these mental checks – do them as needed, even every day. Celebrate the little victories along the way in order to remain optimistic and encouraged.

It’s time to give yourself credit for all that hard work you’ve been doing.