Majority on Jobsite Are Employed |

Majority on Jobsite Are Employed

Job Seekers That Have Job
In almost every conversation I have with professionals I ask them the same question.

The question is, “do you have a job?”

Over 40% of those that currently have a job responded by saying they are “looking for a job.”

If they do I like to learn more about what they’re doing and enjoying about it. If they don’t it’s good to know in case I can direct them to a job opportunity that would be a good fit.

You may have heard that “only unemployed people use jobsites.” That statement couldn’t be further from the truth.

In fact, in our survey of professionals we found that 58% of professionals on the site currently have a job. Making them the majority.

This result is further supported by the fact that over 40% of those that currently have a job responded by saying they are “looking for a job.”

Myth busted: Employed professionals make use of a jobsite when it’s the right fit for them.

The study also revealed the most important factors for job seekers when applying for a job.

Get the complete study and recommendations for employers to attract more qualified candidates here.