Exhausted? 7 Pick Me Ups That Are Better than Coffee | FreshGigs.ca

Exhausted? 7 Pick Me Ups That Are Better than Coffee

Pick-Me-Up-Better-Than-CoffeeImage of white desk with notebook from Shutterstock.

Can we all agree that there are days when coffee doesn’t cut it? Don’t worry — we’re not going to tell you to and give it up, or meditate, or even exercise! Writer Emma Bullen has seven things you can do to give yourself a boost when you’ve hit a brick wall.

Look, it’s not that I don’t like meditation, deep breathing, and going for long walks in the country. I actually like all of those things. But seriously, if one more person tells me I need to do some visualization to boost my energy levels, I’m going to throw my natural deodorant at them. So here are some tips to get you through Monday morning, Wednesday lunchtime, and those days full of meetings.

Eat that Frog

First thing in the day, do the thing that you want to do least. As Mark Twain once said, “Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” Turns out Twain wasn’t just a pretty face.

Swallowing your frogs can raise your endorphins, helping you feel clarity and confidence that will last through the morning.

Slow Down

It may seem counter-intuitive, but slowing down can help you get more done. If you’re in a hurry, you’re probably rushing to check off tasks.

Before you know it, you’re trying to do everything at once. Jumbled multitasking actually slows you down.

To balance that, the key is focusing and do ing one task at a time. Slow down, prioritize your work, and get $@#! done.

Get a Mentor, Be a Mentor

If you’ve got the right mentor, they’ll be able to offer you some creative inspiration or give you the kick up the backside that gets you back in the driving seat.

Mentors can help you at any level in an organization, but one of the best things about mentorship is that both parties can learn from it. So you may find that mentoring someone gives you more energy to do your day job.

Do a Good Deed

Stress is contagious, but so are random acts of kindness. The ‘ripple effect’ starts with one kind deed, giving you energy by thinking of someone other than yourself and leaving you on a gratitude high when a good deed is reciprocated.

So write someone a thank you note, buy your team some donuts, start an office lending library. It won’t go unnoticed!

 Use Your Benefits

How many of you have a benefits program at work that you’re not using? It’s time to revisit the perks you’re eligible for. A visit to a naturopath or a massage therapist over lunchtime might be exactly what you need. Maybe you’re tired because you’ve got an iron deficiency? Maybe a shoulder massage is the perfect pick-me-up? Whatever it is, scheduling some me time is an easy way to give yourself a quick boost.


An old boss of mine used to say that my messy desk was a sign of my creativity. Which was really, really nice of her. While a neat and tidy workspace may not be your idea of heaven, removing some of the distractions from your peripheral vision makes it much easier to get things done. Plus, that little brain break you give yourself to tidy up can give you enough energy to power through the afternoon. #Winning

Change Your Location

If you can, go and sit with a co-worker in a different part of the office. If you’re stuck on a project, you’ll most likely find that two heads are better than one. While you’re there, you’ll also reap the benefits of being friendly. Studies show that being sociable will give you a boost of energy and help you sleep better. Change really is as good as a rest.

So what happens if you try all of these things, and you’re still feeling exhausted all the time? Well, maybe you’re in need of a bigger fix, like a career change. Life is short, so make sure you spend it doing what you love and the people who make you happy.

Emma is a writer and editor with 15 years of experience in print, web, and mobile publishing. British by birth and Canadian by residence, she is passionate about learning, storytelling — and em dashes.

Do you swear by yoga and meditation, or do you have some different tips to give yourself an energy boost? We’d like to hear from you! Share your stories and let us know how you get through Monday mornings in the comments section below.

  • Luiza Leal

    Just love it, Emma! Specially the part about eating a live frog. 🙂

    • Emma

      Thanks so much, Luiza! <3