5 Questions to Ask Yourself When Working on Career Choices | FreshGigs.ca

5 Questions to Ask Yourself When Building a Career Strategy


“Where do you see yourself in five years?”

It’s question we’ve all been asked before. It’s straightforward, and usually has a simple answer.

But if you have trouble answering that question, it’s time to develop a career strategy.

Identify what you can offer, create, and deliver, that nobody else can. This is what sets you apart from everyone else.

According to Michael E. May, author of Can’t Picture Where You’ll Be in 5 Years? Find Your Strategy., a career strategy is a thoughtful framework to help increase the odds of professional success, and is built by focusing your resources, making thoughtful choices, finding your competitive advantage, and being creative and scientific.

It’s a lot to take in. It’s overwhelming. It’s necessary.

Here are five questions to ask yourself when formulating your career strategy, as first outlined in the book Playing to Win: How Strategy Really Works by authors Roger L. Martin and A. G. Lafley.

1. What is my winning aspiration?

The answer to this question sets the framework for all other questions. Look to the future and spell out what “winning” means for you. Be honest with yourself when answering this question.

“[A winning aspiration] describes the choice you make about what you exist to do and what business you’re really in,” says Michael. “It’s not a modest statement, and it doesn’t describe playing to simply play.”

2. Where will I play?

This question outlines your ideal working space. Consider everything, including industries, verticals, geography, distribution channels, specific companies, and more. This question not only highlights your ideal playing field, but also helps identify spaces that you don’t have any interest in.

By knowing exactly where you would like to work, you can focus your full attention on targeted areas, as opposed to simply working for the sake of work.

3. How will I win?

Identify what you can offer, create, and deliver, that nobody else can. This is what sets you apart from everyone else.

Identifying your where-to-play/how-to-win combination highlights the skills you need to focus on developing that make you unique from everyone else in your identified area of play.

4. What capabilities do I need?

Your capabilities bring your where-to-play/how-to-win mix to life. Your capabilities are the specific current and future activities that help you win in the way you’ve identified.

It’s important to note that capabilities are more than simply listing off your strengths. Strengths aren’t necessarily a competitive advantage, nor will everyone value your strengths the same way. Think big: everyone has “Microsoft Office” as a capability, is there something you can do – now, and in the future – that can push you forward, while setting you apart?

5. What management systems must I have?

How will you build, manage, and maintain your capabilities? Part of your career strategy involves reinforcing the decisions you’ve made and constantly striving to improve. This includes things like taking online courses, finding a mentor, building a targeted reading list, joining interest groups, and more.