The Secrets To Staying Motivated On The Job Search |

The Secrets To Staying Motivated On The Job Search


Searching for a job is a job within itself and if your working in your current position while looking for a new role you are doing double duty!  It is an exhausting roller coaster that can make you feel on top of the world one moment and then down in the gutter the next. Staying motivated and focused on the end game can be a challenge if you’ve been searching for more than just a couple weeks.

In 5 Ways to Stay Motivated While Job Hunting Julia Corbett writes that if you focus more on what you want and make some simple changes to your approach that you can revive your motivation.

Get past your motivational slump with these tips.

You will come back refreshed and ready to tackle the next cover letter if you allow yourself some time to enjoy doing something you love that does not involve searching for job postings online and practicing interview questions. 

1. Write down your goals – big and small

Putting everything you want to accomplish in the near and far future down on paper will force you to think about what you’ve already accomplished, what goals you are closing in on and those you need to work on.  Don’t just look at what job you want and where you want to be at in 10 years but what you want to accomplish each day and week.

This exercise should excite you and help you start to put the plans in place on how to achieve each goal. Keep this list handy for when you need a boost!

2. Reach out to your career role models

Find people online who are doing what you want to be doing.  How did they get to that role? What path did they take? Spending thirty minutes with someone who is where you want to be in 5 years, 10 years or right now is a great way to not only stay motivated but also gather intelligence on how to achieve your big goals. 

3. Take a break

Everyone needs time to rest, relax and regroup. You will come back refreshed and ready to tackle the next cover letter if you allow yourself some time to enjoy doing something you love that does not involve searching for job postings online and practicing interview questions. 

4. Surround yourself with positive, supportive people

Being on the job market is never easy for your ego or self esteem (unless you have just graduated and are in week one of your search, then it is absolutely amazing!). It is easy to fall in a negative mindset and get stuck there for days at a time. You want to avoid this trap by surrounding yourself with positive people who are fans of your work and know just how wonderful you are. They won’t let you get down on yourself!

For more advice on staying positive in your job search check out these 20 tips or read through 30 motivation quotes for job seekers.

Good luck with your job search!