The Exciting SociaLIGHT Conference Comes To Vancouver June 7th |

The Exciting SociaLIGHT Conference Comes To Vancouver June 7th

On June 7th a very exciting conference that if fusing the themes of leadership, entrepreneurship with a focus of socially conscious business is coming to Vancouver, BC.

At we’re an official sponsor and recently sat down with Theresa Laurico who is the “Chief Visionary Officer” with SociaLIGHT conference to learn more about this event.

Also any members of the community can sign up for this conferene at $100 off, simply enter the promo code “FGVIP” when registering and paying.

1. First off Introduce what SocialLIGHT is all about

The brand SociaLIGHT challenges the traditional “Socialite” with a new spelling and acronym. The LIGHT in SociaLIGHT, is an acronym that stands for L.eader I.mpacting G.lobal H.umanity T.oday. We challenge people to value one another for their impact and contribution vs. their monetary possessions and social status.

SociaLIGHT believes that business and entrepreneurship can be a force of good and can add to global solutions.

SociaLIGHT launched as a Conference in Toronto with over 1,000 delegates and after 3 successful events, SociaLIGHT is now launching in Vancouver BC for national impact. It has been called by You Inc. ” A Mecca For Emerging Entrepreneurs” and past speakers and contributors include Sir Richard Branson, Tony Hshieh, Mastin Kipp, Robin Sharma and more. The conference focuses on startup, entrepreneurship and small business success with an emphasis on leadership that embodies “People. Planet. Profit”

2. Who is the team behind SocialLIGHT, what are they into, and why are theydoing this?

SociaLIGHT was founded by Theresa Laurico, who is a serial entrepreneur and media producer. She used to produce for major networks across Canada including MuchMusic, CTV, CTV Creative. One day while on set, she asked herself if what she was doing was worth the only life she had. When the answer to the question was “No”, it lead her to launching SociaLIGHT, which would embody her greatest dream to empower and inspire leaders and produce content and media that made a positive impact.

She joined United Global Shift in New York, where she learned systemic leadership and systems thinking from the UGS team including Dr. Monica Sharma, head of leadership capacity for the UN.

Laurico’s accolades include a leadership award from the former Lietenant Governor of Canada, 2012 Lean Startup Machine Winner, and nominee by Toronto Board of Trade for Startup of the year and business excellence.

Laurico’s goal is to work with Oprah Winfrey, Sir Richard Branson, Jeff Skoll and others to create media content that shares stories, knowledge and insights about and for SociaLIGHTs around the world.

The SociaLIGHT team is a national group of leaders committed to making a positive difference in the planet. SociaLIGHT believes that business and entrepreneurship can be a force of good and can add to global solutions.

Current offerings is a conference. Launching in fall 2014, a website resource centre for entrepreneurs and startups.

3. What kind of speakers are you expecting at the Vancouver event and what type
of themes can we expect they’ll be talking about?

You can find the FULL List here:

We have people like Noriki Tamura (Founder of Japadog), Miki Agrawal (Author of Do Cool Sh*t), and a whole list of other hot entrepreneurs, change makers, experts, and learders talking on subjects like community, marketing and building a tribe, social impact from concious capitalism and so much more!

SociaLIGHT will also ask top accelerators and industry leaders what can be done to increase First Nations entrepreneurship and small business success.

4. We heard there is also a Toronto version of this? When is that coming up?

Toronto – Saturday November 22 & 23, 2014

5. Why is social and business so hot right now? Any thoughts on this and
the direction this whole movement is going?

SociaLIGHT looks forward to the day that there is no distinction between Social entrepreneurship, for profit and non – profit, where business choices and leadership embody not only what’s good for profit, but where our choices are good for the planet and humanity – and that is a norm.

SociaLIGHT is a #CSIbaby, incubated at the Center For Social Innovation in its startup phase. Social business is the future and will lead the way in terms of how business can be used as a force of good.

6. Where can we buy tickets and how can we get discounts? Give us all
the details on that!
CODE: FGVIP = $100 tickets to conference
