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Not Motivated At Work? Here Are Some Tips On Staying Happy


I know, it’s hard – you feel unappreciated or you are not challenged. Maybe you have a bad boss (we have some tips for how to handle one of those) or a colleague of yours is out to get you.  All of these things make it hard to be a happy person; but there are things you can try, despite your circumstances that can have a positive impact on your happiness. And admit it, when you are happy your work product is better and the day does go a bit smoother.’s Ellen Siedman has shared 14 Ways to Be a Happier Person that you can do each day to add a bit of “happy” to your life. Here are some of the, easier to implement, strategies that you could give a try:

Just decide to be happier and just do it.  While being happy shouldn’t feel like work it should be something you put on your to do list and keep top of mind as you go about your day.  Researchers believe that genetics make up 50% of your happiness levels, circumstances of life another 10% leaving 40% up to you and your efforts and determination.

Don’t sacrifice financial stability for happiness and don’t use this strategy as often as those that come at no cost or you will just add the stress of debt to your unhappiness list and that is obviously counterproductive!

Think about your happy place. What makes you happy? Where are you most happy? Who are you usually with when you feel the happiest? Make a list and when you feel like misery is creeping in, take a break and pull out the list. Reminisce about those happy times and maybe even think about planning to do one of the activities on your list.

Buy some happiness. Of course this activity should only happen if you have the financial means to purchase some happiness. Don’t sacrifice financial stability for happiness and don’t use this strategy as often as those that come at no cost or you will just add the stress of debt to your unhappiness list and that is obviously counterproductive!

Spend time with others. Make sure you spend time with others – colleagues, friends or even strangers. Researchers had a group of subjects track their interactions and those days when they mingled were logged as days when they felt more chipper.  Interacting with others reminds you that there are others out there that may be having the same struggles as you or maybe you discover you have something in common or that you can actually be of help to them, making you feel happier in the process!

Take a break, take a trip. Stepping out of your every day can improve your mindset when you return. Not only is there pleasure from taking a vacation but in the planning of it and then the sharing of the memories of others when you return.  And if your vacation is as wonderful as you think it will be when you plan it, it can be come an addition to your happy place list that you refer to in the future.

Plan some fun for your days off. Think back to the last time you had something great planned for the weekend – a night out with the girls, an outing to a sporting event with your former teammates, a visit from a friend from out of town – the work days probably went better in anticipation of the time off activities you had planned. As often as you can, try and plan something enjoyable for your time off so that it can be the focus and keep your mood light on the days leading up to the fun.

Now everyone will have their own tactics and coping mechanisms to get through the tough times. What are you tips for staying happy?