Five easy ways to make the most of your mornings |

Five easy ways to make the most of your mornings

Morning-RitualsImage of woman running outdoors in the morning from Shutterstock.

Of course you’ve heard the saying, the early bird gets the worm and thought, “Who wants to catch a worm anyway?” as you hit the snooze button. It turns out there may be more than worms out there if you get up early and start your day. Many studies show that being up early and starting your day can increase productivity; additionally many uber-successful people claim that getting up before the sunrise is what helps contribute to their success. As a former early bird I tend to agree.

So maybe you want to change your night owl ways but don’t yet have a plan on how to make that transition, well here are some ideas (I picked out the ones that work for me!) on what to do and what not to do from

Do: Plan Ahead

Before you go to sleep do your checklist of things that will make getting up and getting ready seem less of a momentous task. Pick out your clothes, pack your bag and even your lunch and preprogram the coffee maker. You will be able to get ready and out the door quicker.

Now if you still think you might not want to leave the comfort of your bed try programming your thermostat to change the temperature an hour before you want to get out of bed. Being too warm or too cold will wake you up and make getting out of bed a welcomed scenario.

Don’t: Be Wired

This, I am sure you have been told more than once – Turn off all electronic devices 90 minutes before bedtime. Now that may seem impossible and the thought of going cold turkey may give you the shakes so try just one device for the first week. Shut down the laptop and just leave the TV and your smartphone and if you can get through week one you can put the smartphone away for week two and so on. The impact this has on your sleep might just surprise you! (I have to confess that I haven’t mastered this one, yet!)

Don’t: Skip Your Workout

A workout at any time of the day is going to help you get to sleep earlier and sleep better and of course will contribute to better health overall. It will also help you deal better with stress and clear your mind. Ask Nike says, “Just do it!”

Do: Manage Your Energy

When you start your day, block time in your calendar for certain tasks and keep the morning for those projects that require your creative energy. I find that doing this not only supports being a morning person but helps with my productivity and keeps me on track with my deliverables.

Don’t: Answer the Phone or Online Chat

And I am going to add, stay away from your social media accounts. When you start your day avoid distractions and stay on track with what you have put in your calendar and what is on your do list. Set time aside to get back to those missed phone calls and messages on social media and don’t let the time you’ve set aside creep in to working time!

What are some of the things you do to maximize your mornings? We want to know! Tell us in the comments section below.