5 Mistakes That Could Be Costing You a Job Offer | FreshGigs.ca

5 Mistakes That Could Be Costing You a Job Offer


What do you do when you’ve sent out several resumes but you’re not getting any interviews? Or maybe you’ve made it past the interview stage but you still haven’t landed the job. There might be a few things you’re getting wrong.

The good news is, most of these pitfalls are easy fixes. In “9 Mistakes that Could Sabotage Your Chances at a Job Offer,” Emily Co outlines a few critical slip-ups you could be making that could be costing you a job offer.

1. You’re not networking.

It’s been said over and over again that networking can be incredibly beneficial to your career. In today’s market, you need to do more than just submit a resume to land a job. In fact, when done right, networking can even help you land your dream job. Having an inside referral can help move your resume from the bottom of the pile to the top and also lead you to potential opportunities that you didn’t know existed. If you’re not quite sure how to get your foot in the door, start by attending industry events, meeting up with potential connectors, and utilize LinkedIn. Take an inventory of who you know and then go from there.

A tastefully designed cover letter and resume can help you stand out among the pile of other applicants and help you get that crucial second look from a hiring manager.

2. Typos and other careless mistakes.

Unfortunately, typos happen. Although a typo doesn’t usually have menacing consequences at a job, it could potentially keep you from getting a job interview. Do everything you possibly can to eliminate typos and other careless mistakes in your resume and cover letter. Get a second reader to look over your application before you submit it and be sure to research the company thoroughly to make sure all of your facts are straight. A potential employer is less likely to believe you’re detail-oriented if there are spelling mistakes in your cover letter.

3. Your resume is boring.

A typical hiring manager looks over hundreds of applications for every position they post. That means you’re competing with many professionals for one job. Without an inside connection, your perfect typo-free resume still stands a chance at catching a potential employer’s eye. This is where design can help. A tastefully designed cover letter and resume can help you stand out among the pile of other applicants and help you get that crucial second look from a hiring manager.

4. You panicked.

Job interviews can be awkward and nerve-wracking. Perhaps you were thrown off by an unexpected question or you didn’t do enough research before entering the interview. In any case, if you’re facing the jitters, remember that it’s not as important to get the question right, than it is to demonstrate the thought process behind your answers. There can definitely be moments in your career where you won’t know what the right answer is and you’ll have to use problem-solving skills to figure it out.

5. You’re not selling your potential.

Believe it or not, most companies hire based on potential, not based on experience. A 2012 study by Stanford and Harvard found that companies favour candidates with potential over those that have already proven themselves. Hiring managers like to think that they’ve discovered the next “big thing”, which, lucky for them, happens to be you! This is especially good news for anyone applying for a position that they might be less qualified for. The next time you’re in an interview, try shifting the focus on what you can do instead of focusing on what you’ve already done.