Web Copywriter - Vancouver | ThoughtFarmer | FreshGigs.ca | 31/10/13
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Web Copywriter full-time

Location: Vancouver
Company Name: ThoughtFarmer ()
Category: Communications, Copywriting / Writing
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We're looking for an experienced copywriter.

ThoughtFarmer is social intranet software. It helps employees communicate and collaborate more effectively, strengthening company culture and enhancing employee engagement. We differentiate ourselves in a competitive marketplace by our tone -- good, wholesome and accessible. Can you capture these values in your writing?

Here are some of the writing projects you'll be responsible for:

  • Case studies on how clients use ThoughtFarmer
  • White papers and eBooks on software-related topics
  • How-to guides for implementing and launching intranets
  • General web site copywriting
  • Scripts for marketing videos
  • Posts for our blog: www.thoughtfarmer.com/blog

Here's what we're looking for:

  • Extensive experience copywriting for the web
  • Understanding of the value and relationship of information architecture, content strategy, and great writing
  • Compelling and captivating storytelling skills
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