Account Executive full-time

Haft2 is a unique place where brand and design talent unite in our shared passion for, and belief in the power of colour to change the world. We offer exceptional branding and communications and we are continually looking for ways to enhance our service to our highly select group of present and prospective clients. Currently we are looking for a sharp Account Executive to complement our client services team.
We frame our search and our requirements for the position with our guiding principles of Mastery, Chemistry and Delivery.
Mastery is the skill required to do the job; it’s being at the top of your game and continually honing it.
- First and foremost you possess superb communication skills, written ones; spoken ones; personal ones.
- You have a thorough understanding of branding concepts and how design and production can impact them.
- You understand the flow of an agency environment – the docket process, costing, briefing documents, contact reports, status reports and the creative process on a whole.
- You have worked in the account services department of an agency for a minimum of 2-3 years.
- Your knowledge of digital processes and programs will impress us – astound us even.
- You’re proficient in scheduling and in the estimating and budget process.
- You’re familiar with basic research applications.
- And of course you’re familiar with our software basics: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, InDesign.
Chemistry is your way; it’s how you interact and relate with others; our clients, suppliers and selves.
- You work very well under pressure.
- You are a consummate professional – how you present yourself; how you cultivate your relationships with clients and with other staff.
- You truly listen to and fully understand client concerns big and small, and as a representative of us, you address them openly and congenially, adapting to a wide array of personalities.
- You’re empathetic. We are a branding firm with a predominantly non-profit clientele, and you continually consider the thoughts and perspectives of others.
- Very likely, others actively seek to associate themselves with you.
Delivery is our commitment to doing what we say we will when we say we will. We identify the needs of others and we meet them; ideally we supersede them.
- This is the most critical of our core competencies. Without success here, little else matters. You understand the essence of this.
- You have a thorough comprehension of timelines and of scheduling.
- You understand the supplier process and how it impacts delivery.
- You are able to anticipate exceptions and potential issues that may arise.
- You manage expectations authentically and humanly.
We share a series of common values with everyone who works with us and for us.
- We treat everyone with fairness and with consideration. Everyone.
- We believe in good manners.
- We bring an enthusiastic attitude to everything we do. We are optimistic.
- We value listening, exploration and discovery.
- We are authentic and sincere.
- We are loyal.
- We continually strive for improvement: in our work, ourselves, the world.
This sounds like us. Does it sound like you? If so, please say hello.